Sunday, December 27, 2009

Getting Ready for 2010... and looking back on 2009!

This year has flown by.  Christmas is over and in 4 days 2010 will be upon us.  Are you ready for the new year?

I hope that you had a fabulous 2009.  (I know that it was a bit gloomy with recession and political debate churning through the headlines...  but, we have a lot to be thankful for, I think.)  For me, this year was a busy one.   Looking back on 2009, these were some of my personal milestones...
  • First of all, I started this blog which has only been a positive influence on my life!  I have loved meeting all of you in the blogosphere and look forward to meeting even more in the year to come!
  • In 2009, my husband and I purchased a historic home in need of love and attention. I think that work on this home will dominate the "project list" indefinitely! We have started moving, and while moving is a total drag, I can't wait to begin our first projects... beginning on the third floor (ripping down plaster walls, installing new electrical, and adding central air).
  • In 2009, I feel like I finally understood what I want to do with my career.  I get it now.  I know what I want, I know my design perspective, and I don't ever want to compromise that.  And, along those lines...
  • In 2009, I purchased the domain rights to (from an expensive domain squatter!) which is a major thrill for me.  I hope to someday soon bring a larger variety of inventory to the shop, including vintage furniture, art, and a more extensive line of home accessories!  Stay tuned...  this is all in the works.
  • On a personal level, my sweet (and crazy) sister got married to the most amazing guy ever in 2009.  The whole family traveled to Florida to celebrate her birthday in June.  In August, my Papa passed away and the entire family came together to honor his life.  My husband and I celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary, my childhood friend got married, and most recently, one of my best friends announced that she and her husband are expecting their first baby (she is the first of the group to embark on such a journey!). 

2009 was a blessed year and I am looking forward to new adventures in 2010.  Thanks to all of my blogging friends who made this blog a fun place for me!   Here's to 4 more wonderful days of 2009, and a joyful New Years Eve!

P.S.  And, congratulations to my blogging friend, Jenny (and her husband, Michael), on the birth of their third baby!  Read about her Christmas surprise HERE.


1 comment:

  1. I recently joined your blog and I look forward to seeing everything you have coming in 2010!
