Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My Picks for Must Have Baby Items { 0-3 months }

Living through the first three months of parenthood is like being on the greatest adventure of all time.  It's full of obstacles, you never know what's around the corner, and you're forced to navigate your way as you go.  Emotions are high-- feelings of pure joy are followed by feelings of fear and frustration (or unexplainable crying fits-- trust me, I've been there).  You try to prepare, you read the books, and talk to people who have been there before.  But you never really know what it's like until, one day, you find yourself with a baby in your arms and you realize you have no frigging idea what you're doing.  :)  At least, that's how I felt.

William is almost 5 months old now, and thinking back on his first three months of life makes me smile.  He was such a precious little angel, so tiny and new (still is, really).  Before he was born, I registered for all the baby things, and we received the most wonderful baby gifts.  But the things I relied on so heavily during his first three months of life, are not the things I'm looking at now.  Babies develop so quickly!  SO, before I forget, I thought I would share those MUST HAVE items with you.  I kept the list limited to ten-- the bare bone NECESSITIES for surviving the first three months.  Things that I relied on day to day.  And, here they are...

1. a bassinet -- ours was vintage-esque, passed along by a dear friend.  It was pretty simple (and it looks just like the one pictured here!).  It didn't rock, or vibrate, or play music.  But, William loved it and slept very well in it.  We also had the Rock N Play Sleeper (which is super popular among my mom friends!) but he preferred to sleep flat on his back.  To each his own.

2.  the Miracle Blanket -- this blanket is the best $30.00 you will ever spend in your entire life.  In your entire life you will never feel the same satisfaction from a $30.00 purchase.  TRUST ME.  It's amazing.

3.  a noise machine -- I use this one and love the different sounds (we use the heartbeat setting), and it has a great night light.  It's terrific.

4.  burp cloths -- Like many other moms, I purchased the ten pack of Gerber reusable cloth diapers.  They make the PERFECT burp cloth (so absorbent-- and you'll need it!).   These definitely make the top 10 list.

5.  onesies and pajamas -- We received a bunch of outfits from Nordstrom (specifically the "Little Me" brand and "Baby Nordstrom" brand).  Not only were they adorable, but they laundered so well!  Better than the other baby brands.  William always looked so precious in these outfits.  And, they look so terrific (even after multiple washings) that I know they'll still be good for any future babies.  :)

6.  baby carrier -- we loved our Bjorn!!  And, we used it nearly everyday.  Sometimes, it was the only way we could get William to sleep.  Now, that he's bigger, we still use it (he big enough now that he can face forward).

7.  the swing -- we love our Mamaroo (by 4moms)...  we also have the Fisher Price Cradle N Swing.  Both swings are great.  As a newborn, William preferred the Mamaroo.  It's a little more gentle, it has a ton of different settings, many mimicking "Mom's motion" (similar to what they feel in the womb)... plus, it's super stylish and has a tiny footprint.  We gave it an immediate two thumbs up.

8.  breast pump -- I use the Medela Freestyle.  It's terrific and very small (the pump itself fits in the palm of your hand).  Highly recommend. 

9.  bottles -- we use wide nipple bottles and we've never had a problem with William taking a bottle.  These are fabulous.

10.  baby bouncer -- this bouncey is great.  We used this everyday when William was a newborn (we still use it).  It vibrates and plays music too, which is a bonus.  It's so lightweight, that it's easy to move all around the house. 


So, hopefully this list helps someone else out there!  Maybe you're expecting, or, you're attending a baby shower within the next year???  These are the TOP 10 things that worked really well for us.  Hopefully, they will help another person who is about to embark on the crazy adventure of parenthood.  :)

Other mommies out there, what absolute necessity did I miss??  
What would make your can't-live-without-TOP 10 list?


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Rachel said...

I don't have any babies yet, but am bookmarking this for when I do! Thank you for the information and what a cute baby you have!

Lindsey said...

I think this is the first must-have baby list I've read that I agree with every item! I swore by all of these items. Two things I would add: we watched the "Happiest Baby on the Block DVD" before our little guy was born and totally relied on all of those techniques to get us through the first 3 months. Secondly, I too prefer the nicer, cotton outfits. They do wash so much nicer than all the stuff out there from Carters, etc. We liked Little Me, but I also really loved Kissy Kissy (so soft) and the Ralph Lauren one pieces (also from Nordstrom). The RL ones run a little long, so I found these lasted us a little longer than some of the others since they grow so fast!

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