Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring Dreams

It's that time of the year where winter is almost over, and I am itching to get out in the yard and work.  Even though it's not quite warm enough (or dry enough-- we're getting pouring rain today), my mind is already racing with new projects and "do this!" and "plant that!" ideas.  Some of the tasks include:
          • transplant sedum to the side of the house (it grows too big around the front porch and dwarfs our boxwood row-- see what I mean)
          • plant limelight hydrangea behind the new row of sedum
          • create a container garden of boxwood on the front porch
          • plant ivy along retaining walls of driveway

I'm sure the list will grow and change as the months progress, but this is what I've got brewing right now.  And, I realize that I never shared an "after" blog post on our new cobblestone driveway!  That will definitely be in the works for the spring (as soon as everything turns green, making for much prettier pictures). 

While I wait for my first day of serious yard work, I've been gathering more and more inspiration on my Pinterest page.  Here are some of my faves...

love the ivy beds here
my absolute DREAM.  Tall cypress trees = total privacy.

boxwood container garden

tips for growing hydrangea from trusty old This Old House


more inspiration for a boxwood container garden
(please excuse Julianne)  Love the ivy above the retaining wall.

I LOVE this grouping with the woven outdoor furniture and bright white cushions.


We have four woven outdoor club chairs on the front porch from Target.  We bought them a few years ago and while I'm not totally in love with the style, I do really like them (and we honestly sit in them almost everyday in the warmer months).  Also, they're incredibly durable.  Should I buy a couple of matching ottomans this year?  I'm thinking I should.
Looking forward to warmer days!!


  1. Kelly, although the ivy looks lovely, I would not recommend planting any in your garden. I've volunteered at Wissahickon/Fairmount Parks and ivy has overtaken so many native species.

    1. Thank you, Megan! We have ivy beds on one side of our house (north east facing with lots of shade) and we love it. Although, we do try to control the growth. What if we use it with grass (and no other plants)? Do you think it would be a manageable ground cover that way? Thank you for sharing your experience!


  2. Great inspiration, makes me want to get outdoors and start doing some yardwork.

    Looking forward to seeing your new cobblestone driveway.

  3. Luckily, Spring has already sprung here in Houston, so I've been able to get the garden going on our new house! This is such a beautiful time of year to be working out in the yard, that is for sure.

    I agree - that last grouping of outdoor furniture is so lovely and looks super comfy to boot!


  4. I'm ready to lounge by that pool right now! ...as the snow falls here in Colorado :)

  5. I love reading your gardening/outdoor posts about what you plan to do around your house. Watching the transformation of your driveway and carriage house was so interesting! Can't wait to see what you do landscape-wise. By the way, the hydrangeas will be stunning!

  6. I'm dying to get outdoors too! But with snow still on the ground I'm afraid it will be awhile yet. We have Boston Ivy on the side of our house and I love it, but we definitely have to maintain it or it will take over.

  7. Beautiful backyard planting..I love boxwoods in pots.

  8. We must be twins separated at birth! I love both boxwood and Hydrangea. Have you ever tried planting allium bulbs? Large purple flower heads -- google them you would love them!!
