Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Clear Glass Refrigerator Door...

Could you do it?  Get the guts to spend thousands on a refrigerator with a clear glass door, and then commit to keeping an organized fridge?  I know it's impractical, but I kind of love the idea of displaying your food in a beautiful way.  Plus, these refrigerators look so special with their interior light...

a wine refrigerator!  now, I could keep that organized. ;)

I doubt I could convince my husband to go for the clear refrigerator (and we are years away from building a new kitchen), but if I had one of these beauties, I would fill it with lovely containers like these...

all leftovers would be kept in this glass refrigerator set

milk and juice would be in these lovely glass jugs

fruit would go in this wire basket

and all the eggs would nest in this lovely ceramic egg crate.


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Jenny | Aubrey Road said...

i'm all for it, 100 percent!

Heather said...

No WAY! It's for braver (and neater) souls than me!

Shelly said...

We almost bought a home that had one of these fridges. LOVE them! BUT honestly I think I would end up hating having to keep it so neat and pretty all the time.

Deanna (Silly Goose Farm) said...

My husband and I have actually been considering this. I love all the little "accessories" you've picked, I actually have some of them myself (or similar versions)! I think it would prevent me from keeping junk food in the fridge, and I'd eat healthier as a result. Definitely have to get the matching wine fridge, too!

Doug Davis said...

I kick myself for not doing this! Have used these types of refrigerators several time for clients and no complaints so does require a trip to the restaurant supplier for 'accessories'

Anonymous said...

'Fraid not.... I don't even like glass cabinet doors! I'm a neat freak but even so; being a visual person I don't think I would EVER be satisfied that it looked just right!

Kelly Krugh said...

My in-laws are remodeling their kitchen, and a glass refrigerator door is on their list!! I can't wait!!!!

Amanda Bevington said...

Yes, I could do it...after the kids are down I can see myself in the kitchen organizing the fridge obsessively ; ) There are 24 usable hours in a day you know! LOL! xo, A

Emil said...

I have one and it's the loveliest thing. My mother has absolutely committed us to glass tupperware, but has come to accept a tad bit of disorganization. In addition, it makes choosing waste far less refrigerated air.

The enchanted home said...

Had it in my first apartment. It was very chic in my opinion and at the time it was only my husband and myself so we could afford to keep things neat and tidy. However with three sons not sure it would be that easy. I happen to love the look, always have but it does limit you in som ways. Its a very commercial look and looks better in some kitchens than others. But I have always liked the look for sure. Nice pictures!!

The enchanted home said...

Please btw check out my new blog, its about the building of our new home and my love for decor and design. About two weeks old, I am new to bloggng but loving it!

Sally@DivineDistractions said...

Not for me. It's kind of like New Year's resolutions....I'd be good for a couple of weeks, then back to my old rather untidy ways! Besides, I think they look busy. I could do a wine fridge though....hard to mess that up!

bryn alexandra said...

love the idea, but ours would be a HOT MESS. haha

Dina @ Honey + Fitz said...

I feel like this is about as practical as having all open shelving in a kitchen in place of upper cabinets...which is to say it's not practical at all. In real life we all have stuff that just isn't that pretty to look at but we still need it. In my magazine life where I don't have 1/2 full ketchup bottles and 3 different kinds of 1/2 eaten cheeses in zip lock bags yes. In real life...afraid it would just make me mental.

Susan said...

I've loved clear glass fridges since I saw Rachel Ashwell's kitchen forever ago...maybe in her first book? I have those glass containers-they are awesome and make anything look elegant! ;)

Heather @ Satisfying Spaces said...

I think I would go for it. It might motivate me to stay organized and buy only healthy food. :-)

Rashon Carraway said...

I think this could work for me, if I had the space...why...because there is only a pitcher of water in my

Mr. Goodwill Hunting said...

Gorgeous, but they seem a little chilly. More of a corporate vibe.
Plus, what idiot puts an oil painting on a shelf over the stoves. A slow death for a work of art.

kelleyp said...

i agree..can only keep wine fridge organized.

Jess said...

I could do a wine fridge with a glass door... though I'd probably drink a lot more if I could always see it!

But regular fridge? No way. My leftovers are NOT pretty.

Lindsey said...

gorgeous! i'd be up for it, but not so sure about my husband :)

Emily said...

Very pretty! But in my house, it would be as practical as a white couch on a white rug... nope! I wish! Is the second kitchen Erika from Urban Grace's?

Anonymous said...

Heck ya, I love the idea. Of course, you have to have enough room for a side by side fridge and freezer. I don't know if I care how organized it looked, I just think it would look better than a giant stainless box.

Sheila said...

There is absolutely no chance that I could pull that off! Love the accessories though...big time.

RLG said...

I would totally do this (if money were no object). I'm so type-A I wouldn't even break a sweat keeping it neat (and I have three kids). Ha! xoxo

karen @ our slo house said...

No, no, and never. Ever.

I have always been drawn to white cabinets in a kitchen; however, I have just fallen in LOVE with those brown wooden cabinets. I think it's the 3rd photo down??


Sarah Jane said...

I just bought that egg crate! It makes eggs so much prettier! Posted on my blog. Love the concept of the clear doors...but my fridge is always a disaster.

rustic rooster interiors said...

YES, YES, YES... I'm 100% in! I drool over glass refrigerator doors!


ALR said...

I love the glass front fridges. I think they make more of a statement.

Amy R.

The Single Nester said...

I could probably do frosted glass but not clear glass.

Tammy said...

I love to first photo. I can't read the name of the manufacturer at the top. Does anyone know?

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Beerkool Alfresco Fridges said...
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Anonymous said...

What brands make glass door refrigerators besides subzero?? I can only find commercial grade ones that are awesome, but take ALOT of energy and are supposedly noisier.

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