Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Break

Dave and I went to Indianapolis for the Christmas holiday.  We spent three wonderful days visiting with my family, and celebrating the best parts of life.  My pregnant sister and her husband flew in from Florida, and my grandmother and aunt flew in from Southern California.  It was a full house!  We spent many late nights chatting around the kitchen island, and sipping mulled wine.  We played games, and watched movies (It's A Wonderful Life-- the best Christmas movie ever made, in my opinion).

Mom had the house completely decked out for the holiday...

my mother's library, complete with a golfing Santa
(and Ava Bamboo Table Lamp from our store)

(a classically retro Yule Log cake, complete with meringue mushrooms)

(Belgian waffles for brunch)

Then, on December 27th, we woke up to snow...   

It was the perfect Christmas break.

I hope you all had a peaceful and restful holiday.  I'll be back with regular blog posts next week, as we eagerly welcome the start of 2012!




  1. Just saw the post below... don't think I've ever had mulled wine. Will have to try it sometime!

  2. Sounds like such a lovely and festive visit!
    Happy New Year!

  3. sounds like a wonderful break! your mother's home looks lovely. We saw snow in West Texas too, but it arrived late Friday and melted on Christmas day.

  4. Beautiful Kelly! We had an Indiana Christmas too, the snow came a little late but was fun while it lasted :D Happy New Year!
