Friday, October 21, 2011

Have An Exciting Weekend

Do you have any exciting plans this weekend?  On Saturday morning, I will be going to one of my favorite farmer's markets in Berks County to buy some pumpkins and a some mums!  I went there last year too-- they're the best!  A couple of large potted mums will look nice on the front porch.  There's also an Amish family that sells baked goods there.  So, I might buy an apple pie.  And, a loaf of pumpkin bread, and maybe some moon pies.  :)  I can never resist Amish baked treats.

I hope to see you back here on Monday because I have a big huge giant announcement that I can't wait to share with you!  I'm so excited, I can hardly stand it.

See you on Monday, chickens.




  1. You make us wait all weekend for your exciting announcement! No fair!

  2. You are having a baby? A Kennedy baby?!

  3. We're off to Hawk Mountain this weekend to see the bird migrations, since there was just a cold front coming in. Should be amazing to see all the hawks, eagles and other birds! Cant wait to hear the news...

  4. Shannon- that sounds wonderful, I'm so jealous. Have a terrific time!!

  5. Is there at least a Kennedy involved? : )

  6. where is berks' county is this farm? it looks adorable and i'd love to visit.
