Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New York Gift Show 2011

I'm sorry for the radio silence.  I spent the last few days running around the International Gift Show, which was massive and overwhelming... but honestly, it totally rocked.  Here are a few iPhone shots of the show...

Jonathan Adler's booth... so cheerful.

me with Jonathan Adler himself!
He just opened a new shop in Old City Philadelphia, and it's completely amazing.  If you're in Philadelphia, you must check it out.
(Jonathan Adler was extremely friendly, and he has a great sense of humor, as you would expect!  And I would like to thank my husband for taking an extreme close up, where my head appears larger than life)

Dwell Studio. Loved their baby collection.

What fun! Pantone mugs!

preppy natuical china

and an even preppier booth at Two's Company!

love the green bookcase!

beautiful pillows (I think these were at Dwell?)

And, there were Union Jacks everywhere...

by the end of day one, we were completely exhausted.

but, we managed to leave the hotel for a bite to eat.  And, a beer.

Day two was equally eventful!  I even managed to step away from the show to squeeze in an afternoon client meeting with my favorite New York City design client.  :) 

iPhone shot.  Leaving New York... in a blur.

Have a lovely Groundhog Day, everyone!! 

Did you hear?  Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring!  Woo hoo!



  1. Love Jonathan Adler! I always look forward to new fun things from him. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for the glance at the NY Show. We get to the San Francisco Show (which is tiny, but regional) and the Atlanta Market, but not NY. Thanks.

  3. Great show pics! Glad you had a great time!

  4. Lucky you! I love the union jack suitcase, oh and you look great:)

  5. Looks like a great show! Looks as though there are quite a few gorgeous Spring collections! I'm bummed I didn't go - next year for sure.

  6. Sounds like a fabulous show, couldn't get there this time. I am heading into the city to see Adler's store this week! :)

  7. Lucky, lucky girl! How exciting to meet Johnathan Adler!

  8. Awww! Next time you are in NYC we will have to take you out for dinner! Oh wait I'm moving to CA. Ok so in CA! :-)
