Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy 4th of July Weekend!

Happy 4th of July, my loves! 

For the first time in four years, my husband and I will NOT be going to the lake in upstate New York.  I'm sort of bummed about it, since I love going and it has sort of become a tradition for us.  Instead we will be staying home and working on the house...  but we WILL try to catch a local fireworks show!  I mean, what could be better than celebrating the birth of America in America's birthplace? Philadelphia!  Holler.  :)

Since I will not be making my 4th of July Crabcakes, like I do every year, I am sharing the (totally awesome and foolproof) recipe with you HERE.  Please, whatever you do, if you decide to make these crabcakes, don't cheap out.  Buy the good stuff.  Trust me, it's worth it.  You'll thank me later.

Enjoy this wonderful holiday and I will see you next week!




  1. the crabcakes look divine! thanks for sharing! have a happy 4th of july. :) i recently went to philadelphia and absolutely loved it. i'm sure it would be incredible for the 4th!

  2. Staying home and working on your house. That's what we're doing!

  3. Hope you had a wonderful 4th!!! Thanks for sharing the crabcake recipe..I was going to di it today.. but felt I did not have a good recipe..!!! But now I do... :)
    thanks for sharing!
