Saturday, July 3, 2010

The American Flag: Fun Facts

1st Dibs has posted an appropriately timed article entitled, "The Top Ten Things To Know About Early American Flags."  It's pretty interesting, especially since these flags are SUCH collector's items.  For example, did you know that until 1905 commercial advertisements were allowed to be directly printed onto the flag itself? Or, that before 1912, the flag had no official shape?  It could have been square, or long and skinny? 

Read "The Top Ten Things To Know About Early American Flags" HERE!



  1. Great post!! I love vintage flags and enjoyed the tid bits of information :)

    jeanne :)

  2. enjoyed this, thanks for passing along. hope you had a great 4th!

  3. Great post! These would make great US trivia questions. I bet you'd stump more people than you'd expect :) The American flag has such a presence, check out this post I found on the top 10 American flag posts in history. You might even be able to develop some more trivia questions from it!
