Monday, January 25, 2010

Vintage For Sale

As I've mentioned before, I am a bit of a hoarder and my business does not help matters much.  I honestly would keep EVERYTHING I ever found, but then I wouldn't have a shop... so, I sell it.  And, let me be honest:  I really sell about 98% of everything I buy (and my husband enforces this rule, thankfully.  Or else, I might be on that show Hoarders).  It's sad to see things go, but that is the nature of owning a vintage shop, right?

So, anyway, I have decided to sell that extra 2%.  It's just that with all the work we need to do on the house, we will be living in a construction zone, and these items deserve better.  So, I am selling the things that I have kept for myself.  Starting with these guys...

Later on, I will try to sell my guest room crewel bedspread, and maybe some lamps...  Stay tuned.



  1. I love that painting! If my house were not on the market...

  2. Love that painting also - those things are going to sprout wings and fly out the shop i'm sure!


  3. wow, ok, it did fly out the shop!! - already sold.

  4. Ugh! I'm bummed the painting was sold before I read this post!!! So pretty.

  5. yeah I don't know if I could do it. get rid of some of the things you do, that is! I guess the money coming in their place helps :)

    I'm still serious about wanting that bedspread. SERIOUS!!!

  6. I really want your crewel bedspread. Seriously, I will buy it right now if you let me.
