Monday, November 23, 2009

Historic Foursquare House!

You may have noticed my previous posts about historically significant tile, and one day I blogged about claw foot tubs...  and, the fact that I have been absent for the last couple of days?

Well, I am proud to announce that we bought a house!

Our own house.  A 117 year old historic foursquare on a historic street with one whole acre of land (coming from California, this is amazing to me).  It was built in 1892 by a fancy family from Philadelphia.  It served as their summer home (since there was, and still is, a conveniently located train station in town, it was easy for the family to commute between residences).  It has a central hall, like most four square homes, and two parlors on either side (with HUGE pocket doors).  I love the old wooden floors (which are face nailed, but I can get over that) and the claw foot bathtub.

It needs a lot of love (you have no idea), but I'm thrilled and can't wait to get working.  If you are interested in renovating, ripping down walls, adding electrical, fixing windows, (bringing in central air, adding a bathroom, building a garage...) you are at the right place!  This blog may turn into a restoration play-by-play, but I'll try not to over do it.   Thank you for letting me share our good news!


  1. congrats, that's exciting! can't wait to see how you renovate it/ decorate it...

  2. Congratulations! What a beautiful home. I'll actually be looking forward to your renovation posts :)

  3. Very exciting. Congratulations!

  4. Congrats! I can't wait to see what you do with such a beautiful old home.

  5. I think I just peed my pants! It's beautiful, Kelly. Looking forward to renovation posts. No pressure! LOL Congratulations. xoxo

  6. Congratulations! Looks (and sounds) gorgeous! And parlours and pocket doors are thrilling, so please do post about your reno. I for one would love to hear. tIO x

  7. It is gorgeous! Good luck to you with all the renovations. We bought a 1910 foursquare and gutted the whole thing too (while we lived in it!) and it was so much fun.

    Can't wait to see pictures as everything progresses.

  8. Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see what you do with it! I have an old house also, with pocket doors. Love them.

  9. Congratulations!! I love doing home projects. There's nothing more satisfying than having something of your own and fixing it up!

  10. Congrats, such exciting news! I'll be looking forward to following along with your projects!

  11. Congrats! I, for one, am excited for renovation posts from you!

  12. so exciting! congratulations! can't wait to follow along as you bring it back to life.

  13. Wow, the house is beautiful, how exciting! I'm so happy for you & Dave. Congratulations Kelly

  14. Oh my goodness, that is one gorgeous home! We definitely don't have houses like that here in Los Angeles, I look forward to hearing about the restoration process!

  15. You guys bought THAT house, Kelly!? It's so lovely! Looking forward to lots of pictures to come. By the way, I totally love reading your posts!

  16. Thanks everyone! I really appreciate all of your kind words!

    Now, I'm off to watch my DVR episodes of This Old House. ;)

  17. congratulations and what a beautiful house it is. Looking forward to seeing renovation posts.

  18. Beautiful house - love it. I love Philly - lived there when I was younger & went to college there! Miss it.....have fun! Can't wait to see what you do with it!

  19. congratulations Kelly! If you are watching This Old House this season you just might catch me on the air or at least our house. Our next door neighbors have been the TOH family this season. The wrap party was last week and the house looks amazing. For those of us who are less fortunate welcome to old house ownership it is exquisite torture! I can't wait to see all the reno stories.

  20. Oh WOW! Can't wait to see what you and Dave have in store!!! I'm SO excited for you both! Enjoy every second of your new journey!!! Create something magical together! All the best! xo, A

  21. Congratulations, what a beautiful house! :)

  22. Congratulations! That is so exciting! The home is beautiful, I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  23. Congrats! It's beautiful and I cannot wait to see the progress!

  24. Congratulations! your house is beautiful, I cant wait to see the inside (if you don't mind showing it that is :)

  25. KELLY!!! What a BEAUTIFUL home!!! When can I come over and help?


  26. What a gorgeous home! I moved into my first home last year, built in 1890, so I look forward to hearing about your renovation adventures. Best of luck!

  27. Wow, now THAT is a house--congrats, have fun, and rest up for all the work ahead! ;)

  28. congratulations! I am sure it will be amazing with all your personal touches.

  29. OOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhh, I love other people's renovation! Please do put up lot's of pictures, lessons learned and etc. Congratulations and good luck with it.

  30. Hi Kelly, The house is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations on your gorgeous new home!!! How exciting!!! xoxoTrina

  31. Congrats, Kelly! What a BEAUTIFUL home. I can't wait to see what you do with it! And I love renovation posts, so bring 'em on! :)

  32. Thanks, guys! You are awesome! We will probably get started this weekend (after Thanksgiving).

    TheBambinaBlog-- do you live in the neighborhood with the 1915 Dutch Colonial?? That is the current project, right? We love that one and are following it closely! I freaked when they found asbestos (how are WE going to deal with things like that?!) and the place had knob and tube wiring (sounds familiar). I love that show. ;)

  33. Our first house needed TLC as well, but we saw the potential. Turned out it needed more than we ever thought and I ended up doing most of the remodel myself. It was one of the most difficult things we have done as a couple but also the most rewarding. Congratulations and have so much fun!

  34. Yeah Kelly!! I am so excited for you guys. I cannot wait to come visit and soak myself in that tub!

  35. oooooh it's beautiful! i cant wait for the reno/decor posts!

  36. WOW! Congratulations, Kelly, that's really wonderful news. It looks like a beauty - one that will keep you busy fixing, then decorating and moving items around endlessly. What a great early Christmas gift! Looking forward to many posts about it in the near future.

  37. Kelly! Your home is amazing! Is it in a NJ or PA suburb? I live in Haddonfield and take PATCO into the city, it's super convenient. Congratulations!

  38. OMG--renovating a home like yours would be a dream. Really beautiful.
