Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Hello, 2016!

Happy New Year!  I am back on the blog after taking a nice looooong 8 month hiatus.  And, if you've followed along over the years, you know that I love a NEW YEAR.  Not only does it feel like a fresh start (typical goal setting, clean slate, etc.), it's also such a nice time to get sappy and reflect on life.  So, what better time to resume writing and updating the blog.  I've missed having a place to share design projects, inspiration, current home renovations (there are so many), and other fun tidbits of the Internet rabbit hole.  While Instagram feels like the new blog (do you feel that way? so many of my favorite bloggers have dropped their blogs and gone to Instagram), I feel like I still need a place to go and write about my favorite things, current projects, DIYs, etc.  So, I'm back to blogging. 

In the past 7 months, a lot has happened.  First off, I had a baby girl.  Her name is June Marie and she is a precious precious little thing.  Her big brother William (who is now 2!) adores her.  Dave and I are loving our little family of four and enjoying all the things that come with it.  So much love there.  :) 

Other stuff that is happening: High Street Market is growing and expanding.   It's hard to believe that this blog started a whopping 7 years ago.  Back then, High Street Market was a little Etsy business that Dave and I were managing in our free time.  It started with a love of design and fascination with antique and vintage pieces.  We shopped until we dropped (in some cases, literally), posted our finds and sold them to chic customers around the world.  Fast forward to 2016...  our website has grown, we have our own product line and our own studio space, and we have a list of goals we want to accomplish this year.  Our 1890s home renovation is still "in progress" (always) and we are parenting two little kiddos.  So, lots of things. 

Another thing happening this year: my design business is changing a bit.  Kelly G. Robson Design is becoming High Street HOME DESIGN.  I'm excited about this for so many reasons.  It means that we are hiring more people, adding designers to our team, and offering more services to our customers and clients (interior design, furnishings, construction specification, and bid management).   We'll launch our website this year and continue to take on more projects (in the Philadelphia area and beyond).  I look forward to sharing a lot of those updates here.    

I'm also thinking that 2016 is the year for a SERIOUS blog makeover.  This page needs a bit of a facelift, to say the least.  Stay tuned for that.

Until then, let's link up on the interwebs -- 

follow High Street Market on Instagram @highstreetmarket where we often host Instagram giveaways and post about secret sales...  and, you can find my personal account @kellyrobson (where I post a lot of pictures of William and June because I'm that mom and kids are cute).   

Happy 2016 to you!



  1. Kelly, everything you create (including those adorable babes) is amazing. Can't wait to follow along. Again. xo

  2. So glad to have you back! Looking. Forward to seeing the updates on your home

  3. Very exciting to see your growth! I still need to stop into the shop too - on my to-do list.
