Thursday, March 19, 2015

Current Inspiration: Landscape

Spring is here (tomorrow, officially) and that means revisiting my love of landscape renovation.  Do you feel like that too?  March gets here and we are blessed with a handful of warm days, and all I can think about is gardening.  I wish I could get out there and start digging up plants and putting down brick pavers, like I've done in years past...  but, my enormously growing belly is telling me that strenuous gardening ain't gonna happen this year.  With a baby due in May, I think the majority of my "gardening" may be regulated to Pinterest.  We've done SO MUCH over the years, and our yard is still a disaster and nowhere near finished.  I'm okay with that though.  You can't do everything, I realize this.  But, I would love to finish it someday before I die.

For now, here are some gardening ideas that are totally inspiring me this year-- and maybe they will inspire you too.  Please indulge me...

This precious picket fence has my heart a flutter.  A few years ago, I'm not sure I would have swayed this way.  But, time has changed me.  Our backyard is pretty big, so I would love to enclose half of it between the carriage house and the backdoor.  Not for privacy, but something to contain the children and maybe a dog someday (did I just say "dog"?  These days, I can hardly keep my head on straight and I'm thinking about a dog?  Yes, let's get a dog.).  This simple yet classic picket fence is my inspiration.

To go with my new picket fence, I'll take this lovely gate and arbor, thanks.  :)  Is this not idyllic?  I can imagine parking my car in the carriage house, and then walking through this gate to the backdoor.  That would be lovely.

I would also settle for something like this.  :)

If I get my fence and my gate (and my arbor), I'll need a new walkway from the carriage house to the back door.  So, I think we'll need some brick.  You might remember a few years back, we repaved our front walk with reclaimed brick.  I still adore the look of it and I want MORE.  I spotted this chic pattern awhile back and have saved it as inspiration for future hardscaping.  Isn't this great?  Thank you, Ruthie Sommers.

 And, while we're at it, let's throw in a swimming pool.  This picture has been my go-to for years now.  I'm obsessed with it and would die to have anything that remotely resembles this someday.  Love the complete privacy with those thick evergreens (I think that might be my favorite part)...  and the rectangular pool, modern furniture, and potted plants.  Wrapped it up and ship it to me.

This is also fabulous. 

And, this.  I mean.  Hello, gorgeous.  Pea gravel, black planters, stacked rock, perfectly green lawn, potted boxwood.  Perfection.

Happy last day of winter, everyone.  :)



  1. I would love to see photos of your finished cobblestones you laid in the drive a long time ago. In fact I'd love to see any garden pics you might like to post! I thought you were so brave to take on that project. I would be terrified of doing something like that!

  2. really beautiful inspiration! i love the planning and dreaming of outdoor spaces too. our little backyard is a humble little space, but i love it anyway!
