Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Out with the cold...

This time of year is always a bit difficult for me.  I tend to get the winter blues.  It's just so freaking cold!  The warm cozy holidays are over, and springtime is still so very far away.  Very far.

But, this year, I am determined to enjoy these winter days by staying warm and reminding myself that the most glorious season of all (SPRING!) is just around the corner.  There is nothing better than seeing those buds pop out of the thawing ground.  The days are longer and the sun is warmer.  It almost makes the cold dreariness of winter worth it (almost).  I get happy just thinking about it.  So, I've rounded up a group of my favorite things...  all of which help me battle the winter blues, and remind me of springtime days ahead.

1 - I bought a Meyer Lemon Tree for the store.  I couldn't resist that sweet citrus scent!  I potted it in a lovely pot and I keep it near a south-facing window of the studio.  It gets lots of sun, and I'm determined to keep it alive.  So far, so good.  Any tips from you green thumbs are appreciated.  :)

2 - These Cableknit pillows, which we sell at High Street Market.  I have them in my living room and I adore them.  I never get sick of them and while they are cozy warm, the bright white color makes them feel fresh.

3 - This Chunky Knit Throw, also available in our store.  It's just too good not to share.  Perfect for these cold winter days, it's super soft and so well made.  Also, it's machine washable (for those pesky one year olds that tend to be messy).

4 -  Aerin Lauder's Trumpet Vine Candle.  This woman can do no wrong, if you ask me.  Her entire collection is drool worthy (shop it here).  A fresh scent of springtime flowers should keep the winter blues away.  Plus, I love that olive green glass!

5 - Is there any better way to light a candle, or start a cozy fire in the fireplace?  This match striker is the chicest thing I've seen in a long time.  Again, it's from Aerin Lauder.

6 - I bought this book last fall from Terrain.  It's gorgeous.  Huge pages with spectacular photography.  I intend to go through it thoroughly this spring, grabbing inspiration for our own yard (which has been a bit neglected).

7 - Our neighbor kindly gifted us some Paperwhite bulbs this month.  Drop them in any vessel, add water, and they grow.  This little sign of spring makes me happy.

8 - Comfort food!  Nothing better than a bowl full of cheesy pasta when it's freezing outside.  This recipe is a good one. 


1 comment:

  1. I'm the same way during winter...I'm a california girl who needs sunshine! Love all your picks...especially that super chic match striker!
