Friday, January 30, 2015

Workin' for the weekend...

Hey all!  Happy Friday to you.  I hope you have lovely plans for this weekend (will you be watching the Super Bowl?).  I will be spending some much needed time with family, and then Dave and I are headed to New York for the gift show.  This mama is pretty excited about that.

We had a really busy week at work, and I thought I would share some recent Instagram pics of the showroom-- we've changed up some of the display, and we've received some new vintage pieces that are pretty awesome...

 a little corner of the showroom
(vintage chair is pick up only)

decorating with neutrals

(now available in the extra large size)

this vintage chair just came back from the upholsterer -- it's beautiful.
(pick up only)

 absolutely love this vintage runner, new in the store and coming to the website soon.

amazing new menswear-inspired pillows coming to the shop in a couple of weeks!!!

 We added this gorgeous piece to the store this week-- made of solid walnut and available in brass or silver (designed by us, and made just for us)

And, here are a few recent pictures of little Willie B. (my nickname for him, William Bernard).  He's growing really fast and loves to run!  We played in the snow, took naps together on the couch and ran around town together.  I can't get enough of this guy.



this giggle.  :)

Have a great weekend! 

all photos from Instagram-- 

and, you can find me @kellyrobson


if you see something in the shop that is not available online, please feel free to email for more information

Monday, January 26, 2015

Lampas Chinois Fabric

Attention lottery winners!!  If you're looking for an amazing fabric (that looks like a treasured antique print- really), please take a look at Schumacher's Lampas Chinois (in "vert" especially).  When an email with this fabric popped into my inbox last week, I immediately requested samples for my library.  It's described as "sumptuous yet soothing" and I couldn't agree more.  They suggest upholstering your walls with it!  Or, buying yards and yards for glorious drapery.   Okay, okay, I love it!  And, I have to have it!  Give it to me.  What's the retail price you say?  Over $600 per yard?  That's when I deflated into sad puddle on my desk.  Boo.

It must be made with the finest threads in all the land.  The most treasured pigments available.  Because it really is awesome.

And, a close up...

Seriously, if you are considering dropping some serious cash on fabric, let me know.  :)  
This print is just so pretty.


Friday, January 23, 2015

Current Inspiration: Tom Sheerer

Images from Tom Scheerer's (genius) portfolio are covering my desktop this week... So much inspiration here.  I love how he mixes color and pattern, and traditional silhouettes with really unexpected modern pieces.  The finished product is a layered look that appears to evolve over time (my personal favorite kind of room).  Anyway, enjoy.

This weekend, treat yourself and buy his book-- you won't be sorry.

Happy Weekend!


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Winter Deluxe

As our local forecast is calling for snow, I'm dreaming about cuddling into an enormous bed with a warm beverage and an entire season of my favorite show on the DVR.  :)  So, I've rounded up some of my favorite deluxe rooms (emphasis on the LUXE) that are perfect for winter cuddling.  Now, someone please bring me that cup of hot cocoa...

This room.  Blue velvet for days.

Bleached wood paneling, so beautiful.


Chocolate goodness.

Chic and moody-- that Chinese screen is a jaw dropper.

Navy walls.

Modern masculine.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Out with the cold...

This time of year is always a bit difficult for me.  I tend to get the winter blues.  It's just so freaking cold!  The warm cozy holidays are over, and springtime is still so very far away.  Very far.

But, this year, I am determined to enjoy these winter days by staying warm and reminding myself that the most glorious season of all (SPRING!) is just around the corner.  There is nothing better than seeing those buds pop out of the thawing ground.  The days are longer and the sun is warmer.  It almost makes the cold dreariness of winter worth it (almost).  I get happy just thinking about it.  So, I've rounded up a group of my favorite things...  all of which help me battle the winter blues, and remind me of springtime days ahead.

1 - I bought a Meyer Lemon Tree for the store.  I couldn't resist that sweet citrus scent!  I potted it in a lovely pot and I keep it near a south-facing window of the studio.  It gets lots of sun, and I'm determined to keep it alive.  So far, so good.  Any tips from you green thumbs are appreciated.  :)

2 - These Cableknit pillows, which we sell at High Street Market.  I have them in my living room and I adore them.  I never get sick of them and while they are cozy warm, the bright white color makes them feel fresh.

3 - This Chunky Knit Throw, also available in our store.  It's just too good not to share.  Perfect for these cold winter days, it's super soft and so well made.  Also, it's machine washable (for those pesky one year olds that tend to be messy).

4 -  Aerin Lauder's Trumpet Vine Candle.  This woman can do no wrong, if you ask me.  Her entire collection is drool worthy (shop it here).  A fresh scent of springtime flowers should keep the winter blues away.  Plus, I love that olive green glass!

5 - Is there any better way to light a candle, or start a cozy fire in the fireplace?  This match striker is the chicest thing I've seen in a long time.  Again, it's from Aerin Lauder.

6 - I bought this book last fall from Terrain.  It's gorgeous.  Huge pages with spectacular photography.  I intend to go through it thoroughly this spring, grabbing inspiration for our own yard (which has been a bit neglected).

7 - Our neighbor kindly gifted us some Paperwhite bulbs this month.  Drop them in any vessel, add water, and they grow.  This little sign of spring makes me happy.

8 - Comfort food!  Nothing better than a bowl full of cheesy pasta when it's freezing outside.  This recipe is a good one. 


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Few Things

Here are a few things I'm obsessing over this week...

Cafe curtains, having a moment.  I am loving this alternative to blinds or roman shades.

This enormous Moravian Star pendant, which we now sell in the store.  How chic would this be over a dining table, or in an entryway?

This gorgeous marble floor pattern.  So simple yet so unexpected.  I'm loving this for an entryway, or powder room.

 (all images found on my Pinterest page)

Happy Wednesday!


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Year, New Goals...

Happy New Year, all!  2015 already feels like it's going to be a great year, doesn't it?  I feel refreshed and rejuvenated...  and I'm ready to cross off some major goals this year. :)  One of them being the renovation of the 2nd floor of our house, which has been sitting in a sad state for a few years.  We've got big plans for that project this year (including a new bathroom- yay!).  Also, now that the studio is open, I hope to host some design events to grow our business on more of a local level.  I'm very excited about that.  But, the MOST EXCITING news of 2015 is that we will be growing our family by one this year!  I am pregnant and we are expecting a little GIRL in May!!  Dave and I couldn't be happier. 

 (showing the sonogram to little William)

One of my design goals this year is to use more unexpected shots of color.  If you follow this blog, you know that my style ranges from modern to ultra-traditional, while always feeling comfortable and (hopefully) unpretentious.  I use color in an edited manner (pillows, drapery, artwork, etc).  This year, I would like to be a bit bolder with some of my projects.  Here are some images that really suit my style, and I find them so inspiring...

 Each image above shows a very elegant interior, with classic elements throughout-- and, that's why the shots of saturated color are so refreshing and unexpected.  My personal favorite is the pink chair (I love it!), but the simple red bergere gets me every time.  :)
