Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Life Lately

A quick shot of Friday's afternoon pick up at the store.  High Street Market is crazy busy, fulfilling holiday orders (and will continue to do so until 12/23-- our LAST OFFICIAL SHIPPING DAY of the season).

 Winter Wonderland.  We received a bunch of new snow here in Philadelphia.  It's been pretty magical.  This picture was taken from the car, on a road near our home (I wasn't driving).  Nothing like fresh snow to get you in the Christmas spirit.  :)

 I decorated the new carriage house with simple (cheap) green wreaths and huge red bows.  It took me about 5 minutes to hang these and they make me SO HAPPY every single time I pull my car up.

The cozy living room sofa --  my favorite spot in the house.
(cable knit pillows are from our store, and available here)

an unstyled instagram pic of our Christmas tree (which clearly needs a star topper!)

Also, last week, William experienced his first snow!  We only had him out there for about two minutes, but obviously he was not impressed.  :)

William is about three months old now.  And, life as a new mom is really good.  Very different, but wonderful all the same.  Besides the NO SLEEP (and I like writing it in all capitals, because it's THAT MAJOR)... besides the NO SLEEP, the biggest change in my life is the amount of smiling I do every day.  Seriously.  I don't think I've ever smiled so much.  So much smiling that my cheeks hurt, that's how much smiling.  :) :)  :) William makes me really happy.  When your child smiles at you, your heart literally melts into a gob of warm mushiness.  And, you will do anything to get him to do it again.  Sing silly songs, make funny faces, and give that wet mouth a million kisses.  I will do anything for a good, gummy, toothless smile.  It's the best thing in the world.  :)

Oh. And, the other biggest change in my life-- I'm constantly dealing with pee, poop, puke, and the smell of spoiled milk.  Also, LAUNDRY.  Lots of laundry.

Here are some recent pictures of my loveable, smiley, precious little poop machine.  :)

Love this tiny bear

William on Thanksgiving, smiling at Grandma who was standing over my shoulder.  :)

And, one more picture...



  1. love those carriage doors and the little peek at your living room. so simple, but really stunning.

  2. The last picture of William made me smile so much..it's so incredibly sweet and captures the magic of Christmas!! Love those pink cheeks! :) Best wishes to your cute little family!! (And how do you even find the time to juggle so much? Seriously. The photo of stacked boxes...crazy.)

  3. Adorable little guy! I hear ya on the laundry!

  4. William is precious! Next year this time he will be on the go! Merry Christmas!

  5. William is such a beautiful baby boy. Merry Christmas!

  6. What a dumpling he is! Your Christmas will be so special this year.

    Merry Christmas!

  7. William is so adorable! Hope you enjoy lots of cuddle time with your little guy this Christmas. ox

  8. Kelly, your pictures of William are adorable! And I'm dying over your carriage house decked out for Christmas--it's just perfect!!

  9. Such a lovely post! Thanks for the smiles! Can't believe the difference between Philly and DC! We're running around in shorts with umbrellas. Freaky high temps and lots of rain.

  10. Hi,
    Your Little boy is very cute and your home is simple and so elegant... I love it.
    I really miss your posts. Please, come back son!!!!

    Florencia Cereda from Buenos Aires, Argentina
