Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Driveway Design & Excavation

To give you guys a better idea of what we're trying to achieve with our new driveway, a drew this lot plan for you.  Landscape Designers: please don't judge.  I'm not a landscape designer.  I have no idea if trees are supposed to look like this, but this is the way I drew them.  You get the idea, right?  We have an acre-sized lot, and as you can see, we've designed a driveway that opens at the street and extends along the sideyard.  We gave the driveway a little bit of a curve (to preserve our trees), and I think that this detail provides a great opportunity for flower beds in the future.  You'll see (lavender! hydrangea! the possibilities...).  Anyway, like I mentioned before, we've decided to go with a combination of cobblestone and crushed stone.  You can see that we'll have a 25 foot apron of cobblestone at the driveway opening, and then that apron will repeat in front of the garage doors.  The body of the driveway will be trimmed with cobblestone and filled with white crushed gravel.  It should be nice.  (Please don't pay much attention to the walking path from the garage to the house.  This material is still TBD).

So, here's an update on the project:

Our sidewalk inspection passed with flying colors yesterday.  Next step: excavation.  This involved a lot of hard work, and sincere engineering (on the part of my brainy husband).  Our property is situated about 3 feet above street level, so a bit of digging was in order.  We measured everything, and marked.  Measured, and marked. 

always wear festive yard-marking attire
(my poor attempt at the neon trend with this workout top-- I ended up being as bizarrely bright at as the yard marking paint.  this was very funny at the time).

So, a full day of this...

Turned into this...

And socks that looked like this, after you've removed your shoes.  Dirty dirty dirty.

The new sidewalk is being poured as we speak.

More updates tomorrow.




  1. Love the plans!! It's going to be fantastic!!

    ~ Jillian

    * Check out the giveaway at Her Split Ends today!!

  2. Oh, man. I love house updates!!!!! Such hard work, but soooo gratifying. I can't wait to see the final product! You two are quite the team.

    *Sigh* I get soooo geeked out over construction.

    xo, k

  3. It will be so great. Love that you are using crushed stone.
