Monday, February 6, 2012

A Soothing Nursery

My sister, Alyssa, and her wonderful husband are pregnant with their first child.  And, it's a boy!  She's due in June.  We're SO excited to meet the little guy, and we can't wait to fill our roles as "Aunt Kelly & Uncle Dave".  When Alyssa asked me to help her with the nursery (wait-- did she actually ask me?  Or, did I just barge in and offer to help?  I can't remember exactly how it happened, but how could I resist this???  I MUST be involved, she can't stop me)....  So, Alyssa pretty much begged me to help her with the design of the nursery, and I said, "Really, are you sure? I would love to help!  I have so many ideas!  Let's get started."  Yes, that's how it happened.

Alyssa lives in Florida, so most of our ideas will be exchanged via email and text message.  Sort of an e-design of sorts.  Alyssa had one specific request: no bright over-saturated colors, the nursery should feel soft and soothing.  It should be a safe place for the baby to grow and learn.  We agreed on using a muted color palette, with accents of soft color.  Tiny, unexpected details and a mix of texture will keep the room interesting and sophisticated.  Then, as he grows, the predominately neutral scheme will allow the space to evolve.

These images served as some healthy inspiration when coming up with the design...



  1. love these neutral nurseries! great round-up, kelly.

  2. She's one lucky girl! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

  3. I love Amy Meier's daughter's nursery and I loved seeing her posts through each step of developing the nursery design. I hope you'll keep showing the process with your sister's nursery, how fun!

  4. Ny beautiful daughter is having our 2nd grandbaby due in Jiune also and a boy also!!


  5. I'm SOOOOO excited for Alyssa!!! She will have the MOST fabulous nursery!! xoxo, A
