Friday, February 10, 2012

A New Radio

Dave got me this radio for Christmas and I love it so much.  First of all, it's tiny and adorable (I love the retro styling).  Second, it plays music off my iPhone and I can listen to FM & AM radio whenever I want.  Want to stream your favorite Pandora station?  It does that.  Want to listen to the news?  You can.  I love it! 

It sits in my office and keeps me company during a busy workday.

My newest obsession involves 70's music (it's the best).  And, I may or may not have entered a local radio giveaway for a vacation to the Caribbean.  I hope they call my name!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to turn the volume back up.  There's something I want to listen to...



  1. Love it ! My husband would flip for it.

  2. Looks great! And it sounds like you're listening to WOGL!

  3. I want one for my kitchen! But, the tunes in our house would mostly be Raffi and other children's stations.

  4. This is awesome. I wish I had seen it earlier; a great Valentine's Day idea for my guy. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I love it. I know exactly what you mean....not boxy or huge.
