Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Good, Fast, Or Cheap?

I started my design career working with Betsy Burnham.  And when meeting with clients, she would often ask them about their top priorities: "Do you want the design to be good, fast, or cheap? Pick two, because you can't have all three at once."  And, I swear, it's totally 100% true.  Think about your top priorities...  good and cheap?  You'll spend hours and hours, weeks and weeks, trying to find the great deals!  Therefore, not fast.  Do you want the design to be good and completed fast?  You'll be spending money through the nose to get pieces off the floor, and expedited.  You might not shop around for better pricing, you might not get multiple bids for contracting work, etc.  You'll be pushed for time.  Therefore, not cheap.  See?  Totally true.  That being said, our definitions of "good", "fast", and "cheap" are all relative.  But overall,  Good, Fast, or Cheap? is a pretty good rule of thumb.

Betsy was recently interviewed by the gals over at Lamps Plus.  In the interview, she dishes over her favorite design tricks, her recent obsessions, and she provides some great design advice.  Read the interview HERE.



  1. It's fun to see this concept pop up in the design world; it was one I was originally introduced to while in engineering school. But it really applies to so many different fields.

  2. I gotta remember this. Sometimes, I get so mad w/myself b/c it takes me forever to complete a room, but the reason is I'm always doing it on the cheap and therefore it takes me a long time to find a good deal or to do the DIY.

  3. WOW. I need that blue and white bureau (is it inlay?)...

  4. Great post! This is so true. I prefer the good and cheap approach myself, but when guests are coming and things have to get done, it's good and fast.

  5. Happy for this reminder. Makes me feel a little more at ease about not getting everything done right away! Off to check out the interview...

  6. Kelly - thanks so much for featuring my Lamps Plus interview with Betsy! She's fabulous, isn't she? I had the privilege of working with her for a few months and was so inspired by her style and talent.

  7. My apartment was cheap and slow. It took a total of 6 months to get everything in place. Night after night I would scour local thrift shops and vintage stores looking for unique pieces. The process was slow going, but now it's chic! I could have finished my room in a day if I had unlimited cash flow (if only)!


  8. Well said and understood by all! You have no clue how much I appreciate this insight!

  9. Amen! So True. What a great way to simplify the challenge of "having it all". Sometimes I feel like clients expect the impossible, and I'm glad to know that other designers aren't magicians either.
