Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy Summer Weekend!

Happy first official weekend of summer!  I hope you all have a sweet weekend ahead of you.  The fireflies are out in FULL FORCE here, and I plan on watching their natural fireworks display from my porch this evening.  Is there anything more magical than fireflies at dusk?  It's one thing I love about east coast summers.

Some exciting news:
  • It's that time of year again!  High Street Market will be hosting the annual Vintage Baby Sale within the next coming week.  Tons of baby-themed vintage pieces will be in the shop, and they're only available for 24 hours.  The early bird gets the worm!  Check back on Monday for more details (or, sign up for our newsletter at the top right corner of this page!).
  • Rumor has it that there is a Million Dollar Decorators marathon on Bravo tomorrow.  So, if you've never seen the show, now's the time to catch up (I was apprehensive at first, but now I love it).
  • And, finally...  on my walk last night, I spotted this lovely lady tip-toeing through the grass:
she let me get within 25 feet (close enough to snap this picture with my iphone)...

and then, just like THAT.  She was gone.

Have a great weekend, friends.  And, I'll see you back here on Monday.




  1. Have a good weekend, Peppery Pep!

  2. thanks for the heads up about the MDD marathon. missed the 1st episode but caught the last 2!

  3. How amazing that you were able to get so close (and that you have such a gorgeous garden!) reminds me of my childhood one!
