Monday, June 13, 2011

DIY: Cookie Bag Party Favors

At the baby shower, we gave out tiny cellophane bags filled with lemon shortbread cookies as party favors.  Each one was labeled with "we 'heart' brooke" (our honored mommy-to-be)... and the backside read "thank you for coming!"

This DIY project was fun and very easy!  I think that it could easily translate to birthday parties (or better yet, engagement parties!).  So, here's how I made the cookie bags...

It all started with this heart-shaped paper puncher from Martha Stewart:

Then, I bought a book of colorful scrapbook paper at Michaels for $19.99...
you could also use plain construction paper, or even strips of colorful fabric.

and, about 30 cellophane bags.

On the computer, I created a label that was the same width as the cellophane bags.  I used Adobe Illustrator to create the graphic, but you could easily use Microsoft Word or even PowerPoint (which is a very versatile program, by the way). 

The backside of the label would look like this:

Since I wanted each label to fold over the bag, the backside design needed to be flipped. (If you don't have Adobe Illustrator and you would like a message on the backside, I recommend using PowerPoint.  You can flip images/text in all directions under the "Format" tab).  When it was all said and done, the file looked like this...

From there:  print, cut paper to size, and fold in half.

Punch each label with the heart-shaped puncher. 

Insert a colorful strip of scrapbook paper, and you have an adorable and festive label!

We had originally planned on filling the bags with candy, but then I spotted these cookies at Trader Joes:

Heart-shaped cookies to match my heart-shaped paper label!
Plus, the cookies were delicious so we knew that guests would love them.

(my friend, Kari, helping me stuff cellophane bags with cookies)

(me, cookie wrapping the day before the shower)

Once the labels are stapled into place, you're finished!

(if you're a perfectionist like me, and you want the staples to be hidden...  simply staple the scrapbook paper to the cellophane bag to seal it shut.  Then with double-sided tape, layer the pretty label on top.  Voila!  No staples showing)



  1. I just LOVE this! So simple, but so effective. Thanks for sharing with us.

  2. What a great idea! Love your creativity!


  3. What is that font called? It is the CUTEST!!

  4. Jenna from MinneapolisJune 27, 2011 at 1:24 PM

    First of all I love your blog! I just re-created these for my company bake sale ... I made creme de menthe brownies and used your party bag designs to package them. I used a star punch w/ mint green cardstock behind it and on the front of the label it had the name of the dessert and the back read "enjoy!" It was a huge hit - I got so many compliments on the packaging. I hope you dont mind me borrowing the idea! :)
