Monday, May 16, 2011

Bb is for Baby Shower (Inspiration)

This Friday, I will be getting on a plane and flying to California.  My amazing friend of 11 years is having her first baby(!) and this Sunday is the baby shower.  Besides being purely excited to spend 3 days in my home town, visiting grandparents and seeing friends, my mind is spinning with baby shower craftiness.  I am co-hosting this sweet event with a longtime girlfriend, and for the last three months we've spent our free time discussing such important topics as cupcake flavors, floral centerpieces, and the great varieties of yellow candy on today's market. 

I couldn't be having any more fun.

I'm in charge of all baby shower decor, while my co-host (who is a culinary mastermind) is planning the menu.  We came up with the theme and color scheme together, and from there...  well, let's just say there are 58 pom poms in my carry-on luggage. 

Here's the inspiration board for this very special baby shower:

Lot's of yellow!!! Mixed with charcoal gray, aqua blue, and a bit of orange.  She's having a baby boy, so it won't be too feminine...  but, we wanted the party to have a grown up feeling.  Sophisticated with a playful edge.  Think baby corn dogs for appetizers, salt water taffy, and cupcakes for dessert.  It should be so fun.

In terms of decor, here's what I've been reviewing for the last three months...

and, we're serving Eddie Ross's "Summer Sangria" (alongside "Mommy Mimosas")...

Now, if I could just focus on work for 3 more days...


A few months ago, I asked you all to share your favorite party planning blogs and websites with me.  Well, you did not disappoint-- thank you for the fabulous suggestions!!!  Talk about inspiration.

Did I miss any?  Please include your favorite party sites in the comments below!



  1. loving all of your inspiration! hope you have a great weekend in CA (i'm so jealous, i wish i was going!) and take lots of party pics! :)

  2. All of that inspiration looks amazing!!! I used the pom poms at my bestie's shower a while back and boy did they make an impact! Everyone loved them!

  3. very cute! I almost did yellow and aqua in Baby Girl's room!

  4. What an awesome and cute baby shower! How I love those cute and pretty baby shower decorations and favors! Thanks for sharing.

    All the best,
