Friday, April 8, 2011

Weekend Plans

Happy Friday!  I hope you have some exciting plans for this lovely spring weekend.  After a busy week down at High Point Market, I will be catching up on work and organizing my office (oh, and aren't our taxes due next week? Ugh).  But the one thing I am truly looking forward to this weekend is the Philadelphia Antiques Show.

I first learned of this show a couple of weeks ago.  Dave and I were watching a PBS special on The Civil War (aren't we exciting people?) when this commercial came on:

The Philadelphia Antiques Show?  Sign me up, baby.  It looks like a great way to spend a Saturday night to me!  Booths full of fabulous antiques, as far as the eye can see?  If you're in the area, I encourage you to go.  You heard the man, you don't need to go with the intention of buying anything (although you might find something terrific!), just come with a learning spirit. 

1780s Windsor Chairs via Greg Kramer & Co.

The show starts tomorrow, and runs through Tuesday, April 12th.  Tickets start at $17.00 and
all proceeds from the event will go to benefit Penn Medicine and this year's beneficiary, The Penn Ovarian Cancer Research Center.  So, it's for a great cause.  In addition to the marvelous antiques, they have some fun events planned: Saturday night is "World Collector's Night" at the Urban Outfitters building.  Then on Tuesday, there's a Luncheon with Alexa Hampton which sounds like it should be wonderful (I'm a big fan of hers... have you read her book?).

For more information on the Philadelphia Antiques Show, visit their website HERE
Maybe I'll see you there.

Happy Weekend!



  1. Glad you made it back safe and sound. The antique show sounds great! Those Windsor chairs remind me of my husband - he went to a ritzy boarding school that had a whole dining hall of Windsor chairs. Ironically, the school was located in Windsor, CT.
