Friday, April 1, 2011

It's Snowing (and that's not an April Fools joke)!!

I couldn't believe it.  I woke up to SNOW this morning.  This April 1st morning.  And, it's not an April Fools joke either-- it's real live icy snow.  Shouldn't the spring be here by now? For the love of God, when will it end?!!

and, my sweet little crocus flowers. dusted in an APRIL snow.
(notice all the purple ones are missing? damn you, squirrels!)

Happy Friday, sweets!

Hope you're enjoying some sun wherever you are!!



  1. I'm cracking up at your squirrel predicament. We've got them too, but luckily I have a squirrel chasing dog. Maybe you should invest in one ;) Enjoy the snow!

  2. I always feel so sad for the shoots of flowers that get pelted with snow/sleet in the early spring. Hopefully the end is near!

  3. Sometimes it snows in April. - Prince

    Sorry, I had to.

  4. April 24, 2005... the day of my bridal shower in NW Pennsylvania, we got 8 inches of snow. Needless to say, I didn't end up wearing the cute dress I had chosen for the occasion. Very glad to be south of the Mason Dixon now!
