Friday, February 11, 2011

Matchbook Magazine!

The premier issue of Matchbook Magazine was released last week, have you seen it yet?  This online lifestyle magazine--"a fieldguide to a charmed life"--was created by Katie Amour (of The Neo-Traditionalist) and Jane Lilly Warren (of Lox Papers).   It's full of inspiring tidbits-- from "50 classics for your closet" to easy gourmet recipes.  The first issue of Matchbook does not disappoint!

I enjoyed seeing a glimpse into Mr. Boddington's studio...  they have the most beautiful cards and stationery.

And of course, I took note of this article: "50 Classics For Your Closet" (in terms of fashion, I need all the help I can get)...

I'll take the Burberry trench and the Louis bag, please.

So far, I only have about 5 out of the 50 recommended classics. 
Looks like I have a lot of shopping to do  ;)

And of course, I loved Miles Redd's contribution: "10 Secrets To A Charmed Life"...

Great work, Katie and Jane!

To read the premiere issue of Matchbook Magazine, click HERE.



  1. You'd think I was living under a rock or something. Hadn't heard of this -- thank you! xoxo

  2. I had not heard of it, either. And I loved it! Thanks for the post.

  3. Kelly, I LOVE the 50 things piece, thanks for sharing! I hadn't heard of Matchbook either! Glad I have now. I even printed those 50 things pages in 11x17 and am going home to raid my closet and then post these in my studio on the ole' wall of inspirationals!

    Thanks again! (PS: I was surprised that I could see I already own quite a few of the 50 things, just am not wearing them on a regular basis!)
