Sunday, February 6, 2011

Margaret Russell at Architectural Digest

At long last, there is hope for Architectural Digest

It was announced last June that AD's Editor in Chief since 1975, Paige Rense Noland, was retiring.  And, I think we all waited with baited breath to see who would replace her.  After all, the one-time prestigious leader of the glossy shelter magazines had lost it's luster.  I think you'll agree with me when I say that the pages of Architectural Digest appeared stuffy and distant in comparison to those of trendy Domino Magazine and cheerful House Beautiful.  Flipping through the pages, I never felt like the homes in AD were actually occupied by real people.  It all felt like a weird dream, every space seemed cold and unattainable. 

But thankfully, that's all about the change.

image courtesy of The New York Times

Former Elle Decor Editor in Chief, Margaret Russell, has taken over.  And, she's made it clear that Architectural Digest is headed in a new direction.  She wants to cater to a younger reader, broaden AD's online presence, and untimately bring life back into the magazine. 

The first issue of Architectural Digest (with Russell at the helm) is on newsstands now, and I can't wait to get my hands on it...

image courtesy of Habitually Chic

A living room designed by Michael Smith graces the cover, along with the title "Age Of Elegance"... in bright pink no less.  Looks good already!

So, have you seen the new issue yet?  What did you think?

To learn more about the change in leadership, read this fabulous article by The New York Times.   I highly recommend it-- if only for the drama itself!  (Who would have known that Noland wanted to "kill" the likes of House & Garden when she was Editor?).  It's a good read.



  1. Oh I'll have to stop by B&N tomorrow and pick up a copy! Thanks for this info!

  2. The new AD looks more like Elle Decor to me. In fact I actually liked this months issue of AD better than this months issue of Elle Decor.

    I am loving the new AD.

  3. haven't seen the new issue yet ,but am so excited all the same! Margaret is really the reason why I fell in love with Elle Deco(all the way from London)

  4. Found the NYT piece very interesting...definitely full of drama! I bought a copy of AD this weekend and it certainly feels much cleaner and Margaret Russell's hand is already apparent. I wouldn't say the projects featured were quite as good as Elle Decor--there's still an air of AD's fancy/stuffy/over the top-ness in places, but there's a clear direction for better things that you can see when you flip through it. I think it's really exciting and will ultimately be a great magazine again.

  5. I've never been a fan of AD and have been waiting excitedly for the change. I'll have to get my copy today and check it out for myself.

  6. I'm looking forward to grabbing this at the bookstore! Elle Decor was kind of boring to me this month with the new editor, so I'm hoping Margaret Russel's taste travels with her! Also wanting to check out Veranda now that Dara Caponigro has taken over as EIC.

  7. It looks good except in all the pictures the lights are off. Everything looks dark! Please, turn on the lights and eliminate the darkness!

  8. @Maggie Rose, I didn't realize that Dara had taken over Veranda...I'll have to check that out too. It is amazing how much noticeable improvement I found even in the Ralph Lauren issue right after Margaret joined at the helm of felt fresher and more personable (although certainly not as approachable as most other shelter magazines). This was a much needed move for AD!
