Friday, November 19, 2010

Anthology Magazine!

The premiere issue of Anthology Magazine arrived in my mailbox last week, and I was beside myself with excitement.  While, I completely adore my online shelter mags--and you know I do--I have to say that it was so nice to hold and feel a real magazine again (this reminds me, I must order my print versions of Lonny, asap).  After reading the magazine cover to cover, I am pleased to say that the premiere issue of Anthology is SO diverse.  It takes you though stylish home tours, it features colorful city guides (Park City, Utah!), and even had delicious recipes in the back!  A total surprise that I absolutely loved.

One more thing? A horse hook from my shop was featured in the issue!  I about DIED when I saw it.  I think I screamed.  "The Market Report", written by Joy Cho, focused on items that "get better with age".  Joy had contacted me last spring about the wall hook, saying that it may or may not be featured in "a fall article" she was writing...  I totally forgot about it until I opened Anthology Magazine.  Thank you, Joy!  I was beyond thrilled to see the vintage horse head wall hook (and my website!) in the issue!

Now that I'm done bragging (I'm sorry, but this was a major excitement for me... I had to gush about it!), here are some of my favorite shots from the premiere issue...

perhaps my favorite interiors shot in the whole issue. I LOVE the white plates on the wall, in combination with the white table top, white lamps and black shades.  This picture is sensational.
Anyone can do this with thrift store finds or vintage ironstone!

I love the unique layout and tailored style of this magazine.  Everything is so clean and modern, it's easy to read and the pictures are beautiful.  They are really setting their own path in the world of shelter magazines and I like that.  I can't wait to see future issues!

Also, I heard that Anthology Magazine will now be available for purchase at Anthropologie Stores
How terrific is this?  So, if you aren't a subscriber, pick one up at Anthropologie.



  1. I've read mine twice, love it!! I meant to tell you I spotted you, congrats!!

  2. Kelly,
    I'm so glad you got yours.
    It makes me hopeful mine is coming soon. Can't wait.
    I put Lonny on the top of my Xmas wish list. xoxo

  3. Renee, that's brilliant. I am totally going to do this and put Lonny on my Christmas list.

    Thanks, Susan! I am still so pumped about the mention!

    I love that Anthology is making their own impression in regards to style and format. Did you guys notice this? The layouts feel so tailored and unique. I really loved the style of it all. :)


  4. Kelly,

    Hi! I've recently ordered a few things from your shop. I've loved every single thing that has arrived. I've found your blog and store through Sheila, whom I met recently at my friend's wedding in St. John.

    Thanks for doing all the hard work for me and finding fabulous stuff for me to put on my bookshelves, coffee table, and dresser! Congrats on your mention in the magazine.


  5. Hi Lauren! Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I love Sheila, she is such a great person. Of course I recognize your name from your recent orders-- thank you so much! Hopefully, I can keep finding great things for the shop!


  6. I got mine last week but I was, honestly, considering not taking it out of the plastic. I always want to pinch myself really hard for THROWING AWAY my first edition Lonny. I know, I know, how could I? I had one of those "just chuck it" days and... just chucked it. Of course, I have every MS Living since 1998 but threw my damn Lonny away. Ugghhhh.

  7. I was so hooked from the moment I saw the first pages. I tried to read it over the course of a few days because I never wanted it to end!! Loved it!
