Monday, October 4, 2010

Asian Pears

(pictured in this wooden bowl)

I bought 3 Asian Pears at this fabulous farm stand on Saturday.  The farmer gave me a small sample and after tasting it, I was hooked.  They taste like a pear but with an apple consistency.  Perfectly sweet (without being too sweet), and they're beautiful to boot.  I love their round shape and long stems, and they are a lovely shade of green.

I brought them home and we promptly ate all 3 Asian Pears. 

If I had known, I would have made Asian Pear and Gouda Grilled Cheese.

Happy Monday!



  1. Oh I had to comment on this one :) I live in Philly as well and you HAVE to go to Headhouse Market on Sunday and get Asian pears from North Star Orchard. They are the tastiest pears you will ever eat!

  2. We had Asian Pears for the 1st time in Hood River, OR last Sept and they were wonderful. This year the crop wasn't ready yet, so we missed out. :-(

  3. My parents planted an asian pear tree when I was born...they mature in at about a year and bear a TON of fruit for a good 20 years. It's an indestructible little fruit tree :)
