Monday, September 13, 2010

A Wallpapered Coset

So, I found another great image of "Coranata Star" wallpaper.  This time, on the ceiling of a closet.  Again, I love this wallpaper, so I flagged this image for my own inspiration file. 

And, it has taken me to the entire subject of wallpapered closets.  I personally, think that it is a fabulous detail we all can afford.  It's a great way to use leftover wallpaper rolls.  (Or, if you impulsively bought those few rolls on clearance?  And, now you aren't sure what to do with them? Why not wallpaper the closet!). 

I also love the idea of wallpapering the interior of an armoire... It sort of feels like you're opening a jewelry box.

My friend, Jenny, used large sheets of craft paper to line the interior of her closet.  I love way it turned out-- it looks like vintage wallpaper!



  1. so many gorgeous patterns! Love this post. I'm considering wallpaper in two little spaces in my home and this gives me many ideas.

  2. It's posts like these that REALLY make me wish I didn't rent! Our closet would be perfect for wallpaper! Maybe I'll try the craft paper trick sometime, but I'm worried about damaging the plaster. Maybe I could paint a stencil - we've been allowed to paint other rooms...

  3. So glad you posted about this! The (very few) closets in my house feature the original wallpaper. It is so beautiful. The people here before us painted over wallpaper in the other rooms, in makes me so mad! Everytime we start remodeling a new room, we find pieces of wallpaper behind old fixtures and such. So gorgeous! I try to salvage a little piece from each room and frame it to keep some "history" in the house. If I had tons of cash, I'd have all the wallpaper reproduced.

  4. love love love these! especially the papered armoires - gorgeous!

  5. I love Coronata Star and have it on my daughter's ceiling, so nice to look at when we read books...I also love a great wallpaper in a closet!

  6. LOVE all these. I'm about to add some color to my closets - so easy and it's such a fabulous treat!

  7. I live in a Victorian terrace house in England and it is big on charm but not in not a single closet in the entire house. Sniff, sniff. Anyways, if we ever move back to the States I am going to really doll up whatever closets we have. They are so important and really should be celebrated! So yeppy to beautiful closets and thanks for sharing:)
