Thursday, September 16, 2010

High Street Market in Rue Magazine!

Did you guys see the Premiere Issue of Rue Magazine today?  It's really fabulous, you must read it.  The creative minds behind the new shelter magazine (Crystal, Anne, Alaina, and Caitlin) did a great job.  Read the first issue HERE.

And, I am pleased to say that some items from my vintage shop were featured in the spread!!!  Check out Toni Hacker and Ben Harnett's apartment, and you might see these impala bookends!  They look so chic!

And, did you see the fabulous brass daschund in Victoria Smith's San Francisco bungalow?

And, in Crystal's apartment, I spotted a vintage hour glass from High Street Market...

and, my favorite snow leopard pillow!!

I'm so proud.  Thank you, Rue!  I am currently pulling my favorite images from the magazine and will post some highlights later!



  1. AH! Awesome! I can't wait till I have time to read the whole thing-- only got to sneak looks at work today :) I love that little brass dog :) want one.

  2. wow - that's totally impressive!
    xo deb

  3. Not only am I singlehandedly furnishing my house with your finds, I'm also filling the magazine with them! They make such PERFECT props for shoots :)

    xo and glad you enjoyed. thanks for the love!

  4. i spotted all of those brass items, loved them, and thought - "i wonder if they are from high street market??"


    i need those book ends. desperately.

  5. Congrats on your mentions! Just goes to show you have a great eye for vintage finds! Look forward to spotting more of them in future pubs!

  6. WONDERFUL!!!! FABULOUS!!! Congratulations Kelly! xo, A

  7. I spotted the pillow. I have the pillow and I just love it!

  8. When I saw the impala I immediately thought of your shop!

  9. I love your blog!!! More people need to find this resource!!
    Fabulous! I mean it.

    Joyce Goeppinger
