Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Happy Weekend, everyone!  I hope you have some wonderful plans for this 3-day weekend, enjoying the last lingering days of summer.  If you decide to grill, here are some delicious and easy grilling recipes (the grilled tuna looks divine!).  There's also a recipe for grilled pizza.  Have you guys tried this on the grill?  I've been thinking about making pizza on the grill all summer long, but I never did it!  Maybe tonight for dinner, we'll have grilled pizza.

Today, I am wrapping up orders from the sale, and then I have a new client meeting this afternoon.  On Sunday, we're off to Ohio to celebrate a friend's wedding!  I love weddings (and wedding cake!) so I am very excited.

Hope you all have a fabulous holiday weekend!  I will see you on Tuesday!




  1. Enjoy the honor of supporting local business (I am also in the Philly area), I am adding you to my blogroll. Love your work. Keep it up!

  2. Happy holiday weekend to you too! Enjoy the wedding - AND THE CAKE! I think some wonderful bakery (that's within driving distance from my house), should sell slices of wedding cake! It's not enjoyed nearly enough. ; )

  3. Hope you have a great long weekend! If you do try the grilled pizza, I'm sure you wont be disappointed we finally tried it about a month ago and have been hooked. Our go-to has been olives, rosemary, sausage and mozzarella

  4. You made me laugh out loud. Who else would admit to loving wedding cake! LOL Have a great time. xoxo

  5. I agree, wedding cake is the BEST! Sometimes I sneak two pieces (and only my husband notices. then, he teases me mercilessly for it). :)

    Megan-- UPDATE ON THE GRILLED PIZZA: I chickened out, and baked it! I worried that our grill wouldn't produce even heat, so the oven seemed like a safe bet. SO, it's the end of summer and I've still never made grilled pizza. But, the oven version was fabulous. Fresh basil and mozzarella. I will definitely have the try the rosemary w/olives next time! Sounds SO good.

    Happy Labor Day, gals.

