Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Martha Stewart in East Hampton

Kevin Sharkey, Senior Vice President at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, recently spent a weekend at Martha's East Hampton estate.  It's no surprise that the home (and gardens!) are completely stunning, but what I didn't expect to see was Martha's extensive collection of vintage McCoy pottery!  Kevin snapped about twenty pictures of his East Hampton weekend, and posted them on his blog HERE

These are some of my favorite shots...

Martha's welcoming front entry...  I love the turquoise.

All of Martha's outdoor wicker is different, but becomes more unified when painted the same shade of turquoise.

oh my gosh, hydrangeas.

A small sample of Martha's extensive McCoy pottery collection.  This color combination is so unexpected, yet totally inspiring.

More McCoy pottery runs along the (giant!) kitchen windows.

Even more McCoy, this time in all whites (my personal fave).  Kevin says that this was taken in Martha's cottage kitchen.  Of course, everyone needs a cottage kitchen!  Filled with fabulous McCoy pottery.

Fresh tomatoes from Martha's garden, no less.  Love that vintage enamel tray.

Tiger lilies are displayed in vintage Ball Jars, running down the center of the (long) dinner table.  What a modern centerpiece idea, right?  Kevin points out that the goblets are vintage blue hobnail, from Martha's collection.  They're beautiful.  And, finally, how amazing is this color scheme?!!

To see even more from Kevin, read his blog HERE.



  1. does she have people scouring the country to add to her collections? (Can I be one of those people)

    When she collects something, boy...

  2. WOW! Starting with those gates and ending with that gorgeous tablescape. I really want to get into her butler's pantry/basement/whereever she keeps all of her collections...can't even imagine!


  3. gorgeous! I love the last picture and the painted wicker furniture.

  4. Sigh. I am obsessed with McCoy pottery. I found a really beautiful McCoy wall pocket a few years back and didn't get it because "I was on a budget." What was I thinking?!? I've kicked myself ever since.

  5. Oh... and that was the ONE AND ONLY Kate leaving you that last comment. :) xoxo

  6. Just lovely....I love how many collections there are...but they all work. What a fun peek!

  7. Naturally, her home is incredible! I am especially love the centerpieces with the mason jars-genius!

  8. This is gorgeous and so serene, love the images!

  9. I love the entrance. Who would ever think to have gates that colour.
