Tuesday, August 24, 2010

H&M Fall 2010

I have be honest, I'm a little bummed that summer is nearly over.  I love everything about it: long days, warm nights, lightning bugs, shorts, tank tops, flip flops, BBQ...  And, as a result, I usually don't give the coming season of fall a warm reception.  Until today.  I spotted these fall looks from H&M at one of my favorite blogs, Everything Fabulous, and I got a little excited about wearing knits again.



  1. I feel the same way about summer coming to an end but I too am also looking forward to a snuggly sweater. That's the beauty of living in a place with four seasons...each season has wonderful warm fuzzies to offer. ; )

  2. This is the first fall I am looking forward to in I don't know how long...it's been a hot summer! This week is such a relief with the cool weather, it does make me look forward to cuddling up in soft clothes and blankets....hmmmm...

  3. I totally dig H&M, their collections have been getting better and better over the past few seasons. Plus, she's a stunner! Love that coat!

  4. IN LOVE. When does the collection hit stores??

  5. I love knits (of course) but am alittle bummed that ponchos are coming back. Oye.

  6. fall is my favorite. Love the looks. Can't wait to break out of the 100 degree weather.

  7. I love h&m. I can't wait for fall shopping. And Portland is finally getting an h&m this fall. Perfect timing!

  8. That cute tan poncho would look great on you! I'm loving it but can't stand the thought of putting it on in this weather being preggers ; ) maybe in a couple months! You have to get that though! xo, A

  9. Sheila, I'm not sure if this collection is in the stores yet? Guess I will just have to FORCE myself to go to the King Of Prussia Mall and find out. ;)

