Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Two Insanely Cool Teen Rooms

In the words of Rachel Zoe, I die.  Betsy Burnham, my friend and previous boss, has seriously outdone herself with the redesign of her two kids' rooms.  But really, nothing about these rooms screams KID.  They are creative, colorful, eclectic, and oh-so-layered...  maybe similar to a teenager's personality?  And, I am crazy jealous.  I never had a room that cool.  Union jack flags, menswear prints, chinoiserie, stripes... and lions and tigers and bears.  It's awesome.

Meet Carson.

And, this is Carson's insanley cool bedroom...

Her one-of-a-kind dresser was signed by Amanda Bynes...

And, this is Carson's equally awesome bathroom.  Classic tile and nickel plated bathroom fixtures, meet a python mirror (!!!) and modernly graphic wallpaper...  and that roman shade!

So, Carson's room is totally off-the-rails cool.  Are you ready for room number two?

Will is Carson's younger brother.  This is his bedroom...

This shot kills me.  It's so fabulous.

So, I'm speechless. 

To read the entire (excellently written) article, and to see a few more gorgeous pictures, please go to Decor Demon.  And, while you're there, make sure to subscribe to future articles.  They are so good.

for betsy's professional website, go HERE.



  1. i am ridiculously jealous of these teens! i want to be a part of this family! haha

  2. Wow! I think I've gotten my fix for the entire year! Insanely talented!!

  3. Sooooooooooo amazing! I just love it!

  4. I have told you how awesome I think you are and even more so now that I know Betsy Burnham was your former rock! So do these kids rooms! I remember seeing Carson and Will in Instyle Home 96, my how Carson has grown. Design genius!

  5. Carson's rume is so gorgeous! i love the huge windows and the curtains! and the study table and chair, so many things to love!

  6. That was the best post I've read in a long time, Kelly. So fresh. I'm speechless, too. I'm plotting the kids' rooms -- incredibly timely. xoxo

  7. Carson's room is amazing but my fav is her bathroom. My goodness to have such a nice bathroom as a teenager. Lucky girl!

  8. wayyyyy too cool for school! love it.
