Monday, July 12, 2010

Prayers for Marija's Family

I was devasted to read the news that Marija Stephens, a fellow blogger at Holding Court, passed away on July 10th.  She was a beloved wife, and mother of two beautiful children.  Marija was heading home from an antiquing trip in Atlanta when she was involved in a fatal car accident.  Her husband of fourteen years has written a very moving post on Marija's blog.  I encourage you to read it HERE.

Crystal mentioned that she had met Marija at a recent design event in Chicago, and referred to her as an "insta-friend."  I know that she will be missed by many many people.  If you have a moment, please pray for Marija and her beautiful family as they go through this difficult time.

And, go hug/call/email your loved ones, as everyday with them is such a gift.



  1. OMG!! i didn't know, thank you for telling me. I was just over there last night (our time) commenting on one of marija's great posts.

    Man, that is so sad. jx

  2. I am in total shock. Have been since I found out.
    Loved her like a sister and will miss her terribly.

    Have lit candles for Nigel, Cory, Olivija and Marija. My heart goes out to all that loved and knew this remarkable, witty, clever, stylish and warm girl.

    Thanks for this post.

    x Charlotta

  3. Devastating. Can't stop thinking about her. Makes me want to cancel my trip next week. xoxo
