Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Jane Magnolia

Sometimes, I feel like an alien out here.  I'm a transplant from Southern California, and this is only my second year in Pennsylvania.  But, I cannot get over the absolute beauty of Spring on the east coast.  The flowers and the birds are incredible (we won't talk about the bugs though).  My husband, who is originally from upstate NY, laughs at my wide-eyed expressions and "Oh! Look at that tree!" and "Look! There's a Blue Jay in our yard!"... I know it's kind of dorky, but I can't get over the actual occurance of seasons here. 

One of my favorite things here is the Jane Magnolia Tree.  It seriously amazes me.  These trees create giant pink blossoms that seem to bloom for just a second(!) and then, their petals drop and it looks like a regular old tree...  But, for the lucky week that these trees are in bloom, it is magical.

Here is a peek at my neighbor's yard this morning... 

I want one of those Jane Manolia trees.  Does anyone know if they are hard to take care of?  Do the massive amounts of falling blossoms cause trouble? 

And again, thank you Previous Homeowners for planting flowers.  I found these in the backyard and I swear they didn't exist yesterday.

Even the shrubbery is prettier this week.  Do you see the Jane Magnolia in our other neighbor's yard?  I am so jealous.

By the way, I don't know a thing about plants, growing flowers, planting, pruning, weeding, etc...  I think I need to make a trip to my local nursery and learn a few things about maintenance.


  1. Too funny!! I just posted an almost identical post about loving the East Coast. Living in Southern Cal, you really miss a lot. You become so immune to 70's and sunny that you never experience the beauty in seasons. Here's to the East Coast!

  2. so i recently discovered your blog and i have to say i love everything about your style/aesthetic. the mix of high/low price points, the bright colors balanced with simple back drops, all of it! thanks for the great ideas and i need to check out your shop once i get a situation where im ready to decorate for real...(ive moved around too much lately!)


  3. I moved from Texas to Chicago, and it took me forever to get used to long winters. But it does make you appreciate Spring a lot more!

    That Magnolia tree is stunning!

  4. I have one in my front yard...we call them tulip trees here, but same thing. Ours stay pink for about two weeks and then the petals all fall to the ground and create this amazing pink carpet until they blow away. Nothing special about making it grow or live...go for it!

  5. I was a former Southern Cal girl myself, so it's fun reliving a real spring through your post!

    Here is my advice- Fall is one of the best times for planting in New England so savor the spring and summer and take your time in selecting what you want in your yard. You might hastily plant that magnolia tree in the perfect corner of your backyard only to find you wish you had room for a bright red sugar maple that you see in the fall. Take lots of photos and notes on trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals that you spot in your area throughout these next two seasons. That way you will not regret anything done in haste.

    Regarding magnolias specifically, I always loved their showy bloom in early spring, but I feel the blooms are too shortlived for my taste and the foliage/leaves/bark that you live with for 99% of the time is not pretty enough to warrent a sunny spot in your garden. Enjoy your neighbors' Magnolias. They are mature and tall enough that they will always be a part of your own backyard landscape.

    My daughter and I were just reminiscing over our favorite tree that gave us so much pleasure at our former home in nearby Princeton, NJ! It was a Kwanzan Cherry. I wish I had a photo handy to show you. The flowers were full and double flowering and were a gorgeous shade of deep pink. They just covered the tree for at least two or three weeks in May. Then, while other tree's blossoms quickly disappeared without much fanfare, the Kwanzan saved her best performance for last- For another week or more you will be delighted by the magical drifting of pink petals that drift and dance from the branches with each gentle breeze. The petals fall to the ground in a leave a bed of fluffy pink on the grass or bed below. My daughter loved scooping up the petals and releasing them into the air over her head. She would twirl in circles as the petals gently fell to the ground again around her.

    Sometimes it's best to settle into your new home for a full round of seasons and then plant the specimins that really make you happy. Also, look at your garden from the vantage point of inside your home and what you look out onto from your windows. Oh and one last tip: here is a website that I loved while living in the east. Check out their beautiful bird feeders and houses. I think your backyard would look beautiful with one of their beautiful bird houses or feeders. You will love how it looks in all seasons. www.walpolewoodworkers.com
    Enjoy! I miss my N.E. garden

  6. Kelly,
    cut and paste this to see a photo of a mature Kwanzan cherry tree:


    oops- this took up a lot of space!

  7. Hey Kelly- I'm always so excited to find a fellow Philadelphia-area blog! A belated welcome to the East Coast.

    I love spring time in this area... it doesn't last long, but its the best.
    Oh and we had a Magnolia tree in my backyard growing up- it was everyone's favorite part of the yard.

    PS- love your etsy shop.

    xx- Naomi

  8. Yes, this time of year on the East Coast is unparalleled. It almost makes up for the long winter! Enjoy!

  9. I really relate to this post. I've been living in Chicago for two years; I moved from Northern California. When the winter is finally over and the blossoms are out, it feels so amazing to live in a place that has seasons. Good luck with the gardening.
