Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More Lonny Love... And A Personal Shout Out

Great issue of Lonny this morning.  Great.  I must have read through it three times already, catching something that I didn't spot the time before...  On my third viewing, I even spotted a few items from my shop in the apartment of Victoria Thompson (sister to Antonia, whose apartment was also featured this month... both pictured above)!  What a thrill to see my vintage finds in print!  With links, no less!

(vintage silver serving tray from High Street Market!)

(vintage brass apple from High Street Market!)

(large clear glass hobnail round platter from High Street Market!)

(vintage brass horse head letter opener from High Street Market!)

There are so many inspiring images from this month's issue...  but, I have to give a shout out to my peeps at Burnham Design!  Not only was the BD office featured (yes, the office really is that beautiful on a regular basis), but a project that I worked on while I was with BD was also featured!  What a treat.  The house looks amazing...  check it out yourself on pages 117-131.

The team at Burnham Design-- Betsy, Max, and Alyssa...

The beautiful BD office...

And, one of my former Burnham Design projects... Congratulations BD!

And, last but not least...  look who made the Blog Roll!


Read the entire new issue of Lonny HERE.



  1. Congrats on the mentions in the magazine! I guess I should check it out...

    Have a great day!

  2. hi!! victoria from the lonny article here..can you tell i'm your number one fan :) every time they asked for a source..i'd be, high street market... again!! thanks for all the great finds!!

  3. Thanks, Victoria! Your place is GORGEOUS! I love the bright blue lamps in your living room! Wish I had found those.

    Thanks for the shout out! It motivates me to work harder, and finding new vintage for the shop. :)


  4. Just finished reading it and I was excited to see my favorite vintage etsy store featured! Your pieces were a perfect touch to her beautiful apartment. Congrats!

  5. Congratulations, Kelly!! What a fun surprise for you!!

    How are you holding up in the storm? Hope your heaters are working!!

    big hugs,

  6. Congrats- that's exciting.

    I loved that office!

  7. That's my Kel! What a star! XOXO

  8. This is AMAZING!!! I am flipping out!!! Such wonderful press for you and BD and I can't stop looking thru the article! I am such a huge fan of you all! Such UNMATCHED style, talent and charisma! Electric personalities who are doing very big things!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Love to you! - Amanda

  9. Hi Kelly!

    Thank you so much for such a kind blog post!! We were thrilled to include you in Lonny and I too am a big fan of your shop :) Thanks for helping us spread the word and keep up the great work!

  10. How fabulous to see all your lovely wares online like that!

    V. cool - and lovely images too. Must head over and check out the new Lonny.


  11. Congrats. Lonny Magazine brought me to your blog. It is fabulous.

  12. The house you worked on was my favorite part of this issue! I literally kept the page open all day (at work - you know we all do it) so that I could go back to it over and over again and take in the details. Well done!

    Congratulations on the mention of your vintage items, that must be so exciting for you!

  13. congrats on the Lonny shout out! Was also so excited to see Alyssa in it!
