Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Burnham Design

Yesterday, (my new favorite design website) Decor Demon posted a fabulous article about Betsy Burnham of Burnham Design.  Betsy has an incredible design style and a fearless ability to take risks with her work.  To say I am a huge fan is an understatement, because I was lucky enough to work with Betsy for almost five years.  And, I loved every day of it.  But, that's obvious... just look at her portfolio and you'll see what I mean.

During graduate school, I applied for an assistant job at Burnham Design.  I worked one day a week, picking up samples, filing paperwork, and making deliveries.  That one day a week turned into more days, I was given more responsibilities, and had the opportunity to experience the design world on a first hand basis.  On a glamorous day, I helped prep photo shoots for House Beautiful, Metropolitan Home, and California Home & Design magazines.  On a not so glamourous day, I broke a vintage lamp in the back of my car while taking it to be fitted for a shade.  On another, I incorrectly measured a table for a glass top and didn't realize it until the glass was ordered, sitting in the client's office, and we were ordering a second peice of glass to be correctly cut (I will never forget these instances, and I will never forget Betsy saying, "Mistakes happen.").  Seriously, a vintage lamp.  I broke it.  Will never forget it!

My experience at Burnham Design shaped me into the designer that I am today.  Thank you, Betsy, for being such an excellent mentor and friend.  And, I have to give a nod to the insanely talented crew at BD:  Alyssa, Max, and Shelli!  The people behind the curtain.  :)

Read the Decor Demon article HERE.

Learn about Betsy's Instant/Space design service HERE (which was recently featured by the New York Times).



  1. thank you so much for sharing! ive never heard of them before! but already, i am a huge fan! i love the colors and patterns and textures! ::sigh:: why cant i win the lottery so i can afford for my house to look like this?!

  2. Reminds me a lot of James Radin, but I've never heard of her before. These rooms are really beautiful, and I must admit that I'm a bit jealous that you got a chance to work up close and personal with her! What is your grad degree in?

  3. These images are gorgeous! How exciting must it have been to work with such a telented cast of people!!!

  4. I think I have another design-crush brewing. Thanks for highlighting Betsy and Burnham Design. tIO x

  5. Your photos are gorgeous, and the room decor makes me sit and stare. So light and open...airy. It's obvious you love your work, and I appreciated your sense of humor over those early-day goofs, like the broken vintage lamp. It sounds like it was an excellent training ground for you - and what a gracious person to remind you, simply, that mistakes do happen. We all need people like that in our lives, don't we?

    Beautiful blog, beautiful photos!

  6. I've been reading your blog for about a month and I really enjoy it! I love Betsy Burnham! I've seen many of her homes in magazines and that always leads me back to her website. Her personal home is one of my favorites!

    If you don't mind me asking,I was wondering how you felt about leaving a job that many would kill for? Was it difficult for you?

    Thanks again for the great post.

    BTW - I'm so anxious to see all of your projects in your new home. I'm sure it will be beautiful.

  7. Hi Sam!

    I loved working with Betsy, and really thrived at that firm. I still keep in touch with her and my coworkers there on a regular basis, and will probably always be a huge fan of her work. So, to answer your question: no, it was not easy for me to leave! But, I moved to Philadelphia and while I worked long distance as a freelance employee, there came a time when I finally felt ready to work for myself. It's a good feeling! I opened High Street Market and started doing design work for my own design business. I LOVED working for BD and a part of me will always be in that office, but I took what I learned there and applied it to my career now. And, that's good right? :)

    Thanks for the comments, Everyone!


  8. What stunning work, and beautifully composed rooms. The sixth is my fave.

    Sounds like a really positive experience for you. People that are good bosses always succeed in my experience.

    Thanks for sharing : )

