Friday, August 24, 2012

Carriage House Update: Hipped Dormers

A couple of weeks ago, Dave and I met with our builders.  We finalized some basic things, paid our down payment (gulp), and discussed the building schedule (we're planning on mid-September).  Then, we made a huge impulsive choice to change the front elevation of the new carriage house.  And, I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT IT.  We decided to kill the original gable dormers, and replace them with hipped dormers and double windows.  Here's what we're getting...

image from our builders portfolio


We made the decision on impulse and left the office feeling good.  Then, for the next 72 hours, my mind raced.  Are we making the right decision?  Will the hipped dormers complement our house?  Gabled dormers are a classic, but will we love the hipped-style dormers just as much?  The answers are YES YES and YES.  The more I thought about it, the more I was sure we made the right choice.  The hipped dormers give us more headroom.  The double windows give us more light in the second floor.  And, the style is perfect for our 1890s Four Square house.  I'm pumped about these hipped dormers, you guys.  :)

Here is an updated front elevation of our new carriage house.  I added the lanterns because giant lanterns make everything look better.

You like it right?
Happy Weekend!


  1. It looks amazing!! You definitely made the right choice with the hipped roof. Assuming you are installing gutters, you should see if your builder can install a rain barrel for you - you won't regret it! Great for watering plants/flowers.

    I'm going to start painting my house this weekend. I've narrowed down three color combinations... I'd love your input if you have a chance! Thanks Kelly!

    Good luck with the build.

  2. Great choice! They look amazing. Tracey xx

  3. Looks great! Much more historically accurate and it looks like it picks up on the double windows on your front dormer. Did you ever think of matching your low wide dormer from your house? These wider dormers should also give you much better options for layout in the space.

  4. I love the hipped dormer- just a thought though.... had you considered one larger dormer rather than the two- would make the inetrior space more open and would look less four square?? if that makes sense? I love symmetry but In looking at the design my eye wants it to center on something? Whatever you do I know will be perfect, just a thought;)

  5. Thanks for all of the comments, everyone!! Katharyn, we thought of that too-- but, in the end, we liked the scale and proportion of the two dormers rather than one. On the backside (that won't be visible from the house), we'll have one large shed dormer to give us plenty if headroom!!


  6. I think the hipped dormers are a great look and really add more meat (if that makes any sense) to the look of the carriage house - good decision. You must be so excited to get construction under way.
