Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Yard Work, Part II

We tackled more yard work over the past week, ripping out the massively overgrown side yard. We couldn't have done it without this awesome piece of machinery:

So, here is what the side yard looked like before...

And, here is what it looks like now.  It was back-breaking work, but we did it all overselves.  And now, it's a clean slate and ready for grass seed!  Someday, we may even be able to play Bocce Ball out here!

In case you were wondering, we will be adding a nice evergreen hedge all along our neighbor's fence (to give them some of their privacy back).  And, in front of the hedge, we may plant a line of small rose bushes or other simple flowering bushes to border the lawn.  That is the next project.



  1. WOW!! You guys are unbelievable! Good jobbie!

  2. Awesome...I know that couldn't have been easy! Congratulations!

  3. Awesome! I know exactly what that kind of labour is like. My house was overrun with weeds and trees from an elderly lady who just let it go. Looking forward to further updates. :)

  4. Oh my...look at all you did! that is insane!

  5. OMG. Incredible. Ambitious. Well done. (love the pic of you in the dumpster -- funny) xoxo

  6. LOVE it! You look so great in that dumpster! : ) Your home is beautiful!!! xo, A

  7. wow! what a job. great work.

  8. Wow, what a dramatic difference! I guess it would be, with that dumpster as full as it was! I can't believe how much space you've gained, but yes, the neighbors will probably appreciate their privacy back! At least now you can choose something. Your house is so beautiful and I really enjoy seeing the work you're doing on it.
