Friday, May 14, 2010

Buried Treasure?

Like I said in my last post, we have been tackling the wild wilderness in our backyard this week.  While digging out old stumps and such, my husband came across this...

What could it be?  A time capsule?  Buried treasure?  A coffin (God, I shudder to think...)? Or, just an old appliance?

How weird is this?

I will let you know what we find as soon as he digs it out.  Nothing like a little mystery on a Friday?


UPDATE:  This discovery was not as exciting as my imagination led it to be (it was not a box full of money!)...  but, instead, it turned out to be an old ice box that was so deteriorated, the door was the only piece to survive (that, and some cement chunks).  At least it wasn't a skeleton.



  1. Ten bucks says it the remains of a dearly-beloved pet of the former owners. Creeeeeeepy! Make sure hubby opens it up first!

  2. Brooke, there is NO WAY I am opening up that door myself! Seriously, how freaking weird is this?


  3. oh my gosh! sooo scary! but my curiosity is totally peaked!

  4. That's hilarious! It could've been worse.
