Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer Stylin' and Tim Clarke

When I lived in Santa Monica, I very often would walk past the store and office of interior designer, Tim Clarke, off of Main Street. I loved seeing the pendant lights hang in the window. Never actually went into the store, by the way. And as I write this, I wonder why? Maybe I never went past during their open hours (hmmm, weird now that I think about it). Anyway, Tim Clarke has a uniquely "beachy" feel to his interiors and since I am wishing myself out of the office on this officially summer day, I thought I would share a bit from his gorgeous portfolio.

this room sort of reminds me of my trip to Thomas Edison's Florida Estate...

And, Tim Clarke, I've got to say, I like your old website. This new fancy format... with the lifestyle shots mixed with interiors? Not sure if it's user friendly. That's all I'm sayin'.

And, by the way, where are all the old shots with the gorgeous painted Mexican tiles? Need to find those...

*UPDATE: found one.

1 comment:

  1. what a relaxing and home:) wouldn't mind spending a vacation!

    i posted your vintage tin cans on my blog today!
