Thursday, June 11, 2009

Garden Party!

I paid a (long overdue) visit to Martha Stewart's website this week, and found a whole slew of ideas for garden-themed entertaining... Now, I do not have a garden (I only have a very very small deck. Very small.) but I would love to host a party like this with fresh flowers and beautiful linens, and a fizzy cocktail, of course.

"bing cherry mojitos" ...yummy.

make your own "flower votive display"

make your own "paper lantern vase"

"leaf coasters"? ...I think this is where Martha may have crossed the line.

Love this modern garden party featured in Country Living...

A few more favorites from my files...


  1. Wow wow, those lanterns hanging from the tree: so beautiful and magical! Will have to hunt that issue down - is it this month?

  2. I know, I LOVE it too!!! But, I don't know which issue that image is from. I had it in my inspiration files and didn't mark it. I think that you can still find that picture on her website though!

  3. when you have leaf coasters what do you use for accessories/plate coasters? Banana leaf coasters?
