Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wall To Wall Seagrass

Wall to wall carpeting is not usually my first choice when designing a home.  However, there are places where wall to wall is a total necessity, and in those situations I always gravitate toward wool.  You'll never regret a wool carpet. 

But, have you ever considered wall to wall seagrass?  I've seen it in retail spaces where it knocks my socks off, but I've never specified it for a residential space.  Fellow blogger, Lauren Liess is a big fan.  She put it in her home and raved about the results.  These pictures inspire me to include wall to wall seagrass in some future design projects.  So gorgeous!  What do you think?


Monday, September 24, 2012

Pure Wool (NEW in the store)

A couple of days ago, we added some new products to the store... and I thought I would share them with you today!  One of the many exciting parts of my job involves working directly with skilled craftsmen and manufacturers to create new, unique products for High Street Market.  We feel honored to team up with other American entrepreneurs to create one-of-a-kind, high quality pieces that are made in America.  And, the resulting products are excellent.  I hope that you love these new pieces as much as we do!

Our new rugs are fantastic.  Made of 100% wool, in a "natural & black" colorway, they're completely hand-tied and the quality can't be beat.  This chic Double Stripe Rug is the first in a series of rugs we're creating for the store (more colors to come!).  It's incredibly soft and would be perfect in a bedroom, kids room, or playroom!

We're also expanding our collection of hand-braided wool baskets.  Our new set is made of ivory wool and features leather handles with brass accents!  Available here.

Perfect for holding blankets and pillows this fall.  And, the soft construction makes them ideal for a kid's space-- use them to corral books and toys!
Happy Monday.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Beautiful New York: The Plaza Hotel

After we returned from our trip to California, I got in my car and drove to New York City.  My best friend Gina was there visiting her cousin (my college roommate and dear friend), Craig.  Since I never get to see them, we decided to spend a couple of days together.  We shopped and went out to lunch.  In the evening, we had dinner at one of my favorite New York restaurants, Patsy's (side note: as I get older, I've noticed that all of my favorite restaurants are upscale, slightly old-school, and cater to the over 60 set.  These are the best restaurants!  Patsy's is one of them.  White tablecloths, great food, wonderful service, and no trendy, over-dressed guests trying to impress.  It's not scene-y.  I like that about Patsy's). 
During our New York visit, we all went to lunch at The Plaza.  I've walked past this historic hotel a small handful of times, but I've never been inside.  The interior was so mesmerizing, I snapped a bunch of pictures with my iPhone...


I can't quite come up with the words to describe the pure grandeur of this place.  It's truly magical.  You walk through the marble-clad hallways, look up at the gold-trimmed plaster ceilings and you can only imagine the Gatsby-esque parties that have occurred here over the years.  What kind of social giants of the 20th Century stayed here?!  It's a one-of-a-kind landmark that can't be missed, and if you're in New York, you must go!  Next time I visit The Plaza, I would like to have tea in the Palm Court just so I can stare at that incredible glass ceiling for an hour.  The gal in the gift shop told me that when Conrad Hilton owned the hotel in the 1940s, he covered that glass ceiling to make way for air conditioning!  Can you believe it?  Fun stuff. 

Before lunch, we walked into The Plaza Gift Shop, which is filled with interesting things-- new gifty items and fun vintage Plaza memorabilia.  Gina and I bought necklaces by DogEared.  I'm calling it a "friendship" necklace (even though our choices don't match) because Gina and I have been friends for about 20 years.  In junior high, we wore friendship bracelets and signed our notes "BFFs!!".  So, when I wear it, I will think of her.  I also bought an ashtray from the former Edwardian Room (the space is now occupied by Italian designer, Angelo Galasso).  But just a short time ago, The Edwardian Room was a notorious restaurant at The Plaza, overlooking Central Park (originally, it was a mens-only club...  but later evolved to include both genders, which is nice).  The ashtray was only $12.00 and I think it might be considered "vintage" at this point (is it over twenty years old? Ha!).   My little Plaza trinket now holds my bracelets on my bedside table...

The three of us ate lunch at Todd English, located on the lower level of The Plaza.  It's a gorgeous space and the food was delicious.  I highly recommend...

 love the orange barstools and mosaic floor
fun typography at the bar




modern tile in the kitchen

the three of us at lunch
(me, Craig, and Gina)

Homemade pasta anyone?
If you're a history nut like me, you will DEFINITELY enjoy watching a few short videos on The Plaza's website. I would have posted them here (one is particularly great!), but the page won't let me share them. So, click HERE and make sure to watch the two videos under the "Restoration" section of the page. Once you've seen those, scroll down a little lower and watch the video called Architectural Tour-- you'll see the ballroom where Truman Capote hosted his famous "Party of the Century". The videos are short, they're fun to watch, and they allow you to escape to The Plaza for a few minutes today!!
Happy Friday!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Snow Leopard Tote

The Emerson Fry fall collection is finally available online this week.  I'm swooning over this CRAZY GOOD snow leopard tote.  Coming soon, they say.  Not soon enough!  It's on my wishlist, definitely.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sweet Home California

Last week, Dave and I jumped on a plane and flew to my hometown in Southern California.  I haven't been home since Brooke's Baby Shower, which was about a year and a half ago (how does time pass by so quickly??!!).  We stayed at my grandparents' house, a place I've been visiting since I was a little girl.  It brought back such happy memories-- my sister and I used to spend long weekends there as children.  My grandparents took us on picnics, taught us how to ice skate, and planned many other weekend adventures.  Everything revolved around us, and now, as an adult, I'm so grateful for the time we shared.  We didn't watch television at their house, so we ended up playing long (and very competitive!) card games into the evenings.  Some of the best memories with my grandparents involve sitting around the kitchen table, eating ice cream, and playing cards. 
My entire family flew into town to celebrate my Grandpa's life.  My sister, her husband, and 3 month old baby(!!!) flew in from Florida; my parents flew in from Indianapolis.  We came in from Philadelphia.  Grandpa passed away recently at the age of 92, and was in fantastic shape up until the end.  It was important to him that we hold a small, private service-- nothing fancy.  So, that's what we did.  The "party", as we called it, wasn't sad.  But instead, it was happy.  My cousins and I shared memories of him (a crazy character if you ever knew one) and looked at old photos.  We ate take-out food off of the good china, used Grandma's best silver, and we drank wine.  Here are a few snapshots of the happy trip...  
boarding the plane in Philadelphia /
Hello, California!  The view from our seat as we descended.

Grandma has a green thumb, check out her ten foot hedges! /
her Meyer lemon tree produces lemons year round

going through old photos for the party, I found this precious shot of my dad and uncle at Echo Park, late 1950s / As a child, Grandma was given a different tea cup and saucer every year for her birthday.  This stunning collection is a result of that.  Wow!
On east coast time, Dave and I made a 6am trip to the Home Depot (Dave planned on doing some repair work at Grandma's house).  My goodness!!  Who knew they sold flowers like this at the Home Depot?!  Certainly not in Pennsylvania.
I purchased buckets full of white roses and white hydrangeas to decorate Grandma's house

The dining room centerpiece I created with 36 white roses and Grandma's vintage crystal compote.  With a block of floral foam, this arrangement couldn't have been easier.

picture boards for Grandpa
Meeting my nephew, Mickey, for the very first time-- magic!  He's incredibly perfect and I think I cried for an hour.  He's so happy and beautiful!

I couldn't keep my hands off of him.  And, he smells so good.  I love being Aunt Kelly.


here he is with Uncle Dave.
and here, with his GREAT Grandmas.  :)
While in California, I also managed to spend some quality time with my best friend, Brooke.  That girl had me laughing so hard, I cried.  Is there anything better in the world than a belly laugh with good girlfriends?  Nothing better.  I'm so grateful for my people.  :)

Now that I'm back, I have a few posts lined up for the week.  An update on our cobblestone driveway  is in order.  Also, I made a trip to New York City last week to visit two of my best friends.  I'll share some photos of that adventure as well.  Happy Monday!



Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Letter Rip! (NEW Brass Letter Openers)

Yesterday, we added a few new letter openers to the store.  Check them out!

The only civilized way to open snail mail is with a chic letter opener, of course!  And this group does not disappoint.  Each is made of solid unlacquered brass and they're only $16.00 each. 
Available HERE.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Current Inspiration

Lately, I've been really inspired by fancy, formal spaces with an unexpected twist (a la Miles Redd).  Hello deep color, rich fabrics, and fancy rooms that still feel a little quirky.  Lavish and over the top, bring it on.  I love you so...





If you're into spaces like this, you should check out the tumblr page The Foo Dog Ate My Homework.  Clever name and ENDLESS inspiration.